chapter eight

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~James' POV~

Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, a fit of coughs hit me. I sat up immediately, burying my face in my elbow. This was a normal occurrence for me, unfortunately. My only worry was waking up Thomas, who was in the other room.

I feel a lump in my stomach move up to my throat and I jump up from my bed. I ran to the bathroom, covering my mouth with my hands. I lean over the toilet bowl and let everything out.

"Jemmy?" A tired and deep voice questioned. I turn my head slightly to see Thomas, wearing nothing but magenta boxers. He ran a hand through his mane of curls, looking at me with concern. "Are you sick?"

I nod weakly before turning my head back to the toilet bowl, vomiting once again. Thomas sits next to me and rubs comforting circles on my back. Tears began to stream down my face. I hated being sick, especially in front of Thomas. I appeared so weak and fragile, which I guess is accurate.

I groan and turn my head to look at Thomas again. He noticed my tears and pulled me into a big hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around Thomas, nuzzling my face in his chest. I let out loud sobs, like the pathetic crybaby I was. "I-I don't feel good, Tommy."

"I know, Jemmy." He whispers. His voice was so calming to me. Thomas always came to my aid whenever I was sick, which was a lot. I like having him close to me. I like having him with me. It's like I instantly feel better when he's around. Well, I do instantly feel better when he's around.

I'm in love with Thomas Jefferson and have been for over ten years. Yeah, I know, I'm pathetic. I just can't seem to make a move. I look up at him and see his face illuminated by the moon that was shining through the open window. He gave me a warm smile that made me feel like it was all going to be okay. I smile back, simply happy because of him.

The small moment we shared was interrupted by someone stumbling out of thomas' bedroom, muttering about how their head hurt. I look back at thomas and the man, who I quickly noticed was naked, extremely confused.

"Tommy, come back to bed~." The man whined. Thomas sighed in response and walked over to him.

"Max, you should leave." Thomas whispered, knowing his head was hurting.

The man, who I'm guessing is Max, wrapped his arms around thomas waist, making me want to vomit once again. I roll my eyes, but still watch them.

"Why should I?" Max grumbled, leaning on Thomas for support. He was either extremely hung over or still insanely drunk. Either way, I wanted him out of my sight and away from my dorm.

"It's three in the fucking morning. Go back to your dorm." Thomas said sternly, though it was still a whisper.

Max rolled his eyes and walked out of our dorm. I cross my arms and glare at Thomas, waiting for an explanation. He sighs and turns back to me, instantly tensing up at the sight of me like this.

"We met at the bar." Thomas mumbled, looking at the ground. Of course Thomas went to the bar and picked up a guy.

"And you brought him back here?" I ask, codly.

Thomas nodded slightly. "Well, I wasn't going to have sex with him in the bar bathroom. Jemmy, I'm starting to get a reputation for that."

My eyes softened and I smiled slightly. Even though I hated seeing Thomas with other people, I couldn't stay mad at him. I let out a small chuckle. "You know he walked out of here naked, right?"

Soon enough we're both laughing hysterically. We're best friends, this is how it's supposed to be. Laughing together over stupid things is something we always do.

We're best friends.

~Herc's POV~

"And do you, Hercules Mulligan, take Marquis de Lafayette to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asks.

I'm suddenly aware of my surrondings. Alex and John are standing behind me in matching white tuxes with rainbow ties. Of course they're wearing rainbow ties. Alex is giving me the 'thumbs up' while John is on the verge of tears. Me? I'm wearing a classic black and white tux with a pink tie.

I look at the person in front of me and instantly smile. Lafayette is wearing a beautiful white dress. A classic Cinderella type gown with a pink bow around his waist. His hair is in a beautiful bun, with two curls falling over both sides of his face. He's wearing a full face of makeup, but not enough to look that different. He looks at me with love in his eyes, obviously expecting an 'I do', which I plan to give him.

"I do." I state with a warm smile. Laf's smile only grows as we exchange rings. He has tears forming in his eyes from happiness.

"You may kiss your husband." The minister says. I waste no time to pull him into a passionate kiss. I could taste the tears that were falling down both of our faces, but I didn't care. I just married the man of by dreams and I couldn't be happier.



My eyes shot open as I woke from my dream. I didn't understand what the meaning behind this was. We weren't even dating and I was having wedding dreams. Way to be creepy, Hercules.

I look over at the very Frenchman I've been dreaming about. He's laying on my chest with his legs crossed over mine. He's fast asleep, even though he had classes in an hour. I smile at him and start to play with his hair.

"Laffy~" I cooed, attempting to wake him up.

He shifted slightly and fluttered his eyes open. He hummed sleepily in the tune of a question, as if to ask 'what?'

"It's time to wake up, baby." I chuckle slightly and kiss him on the cheek, making him blush slightly.

Laf nodded and started to get up. He stretched out and gave a small groan as he did, which signaled that it was my turn to blush. He smirked at me and got close to my face.

"You like that?" He purred.

I glare down at him. "Baby, stop." I growl slightly.

Laf pouted and got off of the bed. "Fine." He sighed and started to walk out of the room.

I sigh and get up as well, walking towards the living room. I begin to make coffee because that's what adults do. I smile at my adult achievement but as soon as I hear a loud scream of my name.

"HERCULES!!" Alex shouts at the top of his lungs. Shit. I don't know what I did exactly, but it had to be bad. It usually is, given I have a habit of pissing Alex off.

I run to the bathroom and hide in the shower. It was usually my go to hiding spot, even though Alex usually figured out I was here. I usually had at least twenty minutes until Alex found me, so I sat down and feel the running water on me.

Wait, why was the water on? I look up and see the shower turned on but that not to worst part. Lafayette had pressed himself against the wall, terrified. He covered himself with a washcloth, that was too small to hide what he wanted hidden may I add, and looked me in the eyes. "What the fuck, Hercules?!

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