chapter five

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~Thomas' POV~

"I, uh, I have to use the washroom." Lafayette stated, running to the nearest bathroom. I knew what he was doing. I assured everyone that he was okay and got up to find him.

"No," Hercules protested. "I should be the one to go."

If I knew Lafayette, I knew that Hercules was the last person he wanted to see right now. Luckily I had no shame in telling someone how to back the fuck off. "I'm going, end of discussion."

I was walking away before Hercules could say anything. Yes, I'm an asshole, but I'm an asshole who cares about his friend. Without knocking, I open to see Lafayette sitting in the bathtub, his face buried in his knees.

"Dude, get up." I commanded. He look up at me and shook his head. God, he was stubborn.

"Hercules is worried about you." I remind.

"Why would he be worried?" Laf questioned.

"Are you fucking blind? He obviously likes you too!

"No." Lafayette sighed. "No he doesn't."

"Vous avez le QI d'une durée de cinq ans (you have the IQ of a five year old)." I antagonized. "Hercules likes you and it's obvious. As much as I hate giving you up to that loud-mouth, he seems to care about you." Laf still seemed to be in denial and sadness. "Laf, we've known each other since we were twelve. You came to me with every little problem you had and you always trusted me. Why change that now?"

"I feel like things are getting weird though. Like, this morning we were cuddling on the couch. Cuddling. I've never cuddled someone."

"Laf, you've slept with at least 15 different people. How have you never cuddled someone?"

"Cuddling is a cute thing that couples do. I've never been a 'couple'. I sleep around, I don't get serious feelings."

"Dude, have you met me? I 'don't get serious feelings' either and how long have I loved James?"

"Like, three years?"

"Exactly. Three years I've been hiding my feelings from him. If you don't tell him now, you'll end up like me. I can't let you do that, Laf. Either you tell him or I will. Do I make myself clear?" Laf groaned in response so I decided to raise my voice. "Do I make myself clear?!"

Lafayette jumped out of the bathtub, my yell frightening him. "Y-yes, you do." He looked down. "I just don't think I can."

"Then I'll do it, but I have to warn you; my voice isn't the most comforting." He doesn't reply, so I walk out of the bathroom about to tell Herc. I am stopped by a pull on my arm from Laf's hand. "You're right, your voice isn't very comforting."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as he exited the bathroom. He was so confident, he just needed a little push. I'm glad that I was the one who could give it to him. He's got me through some tough times and I'm really thankful to have him. Oh god, I'm getting sentimental.

~Lafayette's POV~

I walked calmly out of the bathroom and back into the living room. I got questioned about the entire situation and assured everyone I was fine. After a little bit more socializing, we decided to head out. John was exhausted from all of the dancing, so Alex decided that they would take the back and Herc would drive, which left me in the passenger seat. We got back to our dorm and went immediately to our rooms. I followed Herc in and closed the door behind us. "We need to talk." I demanded.

Hercules looked shocked. "O-okay, what about?"

"The party." I stated. "Look, I'm sorry I ran out over something so stupid, but I was really embarrassed."

"Laf, it's okay. Don't worry about it." Herc assured and put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, you don't know why I was embarrassed." Herc raised an eyebrow. I sigh and strart to spill my heart out. "I was embarrassed because it's something I really didn't want to admit. I like you a lot and I thought that this would ruin things between us."

"I like you too, Laf."

"Not like that. I like-like you."



"Well, if we're being honest, I like-like you too."

"Wait, really?"

He laughed. "Yes, yes really."

I was speechless. I didn't know how to express my feelings towards him with words, so I expressed them the only way I knew how. I look down at him, my face a deep shade of red, and kiss him. It was the best kiss I have ever had. I could've sworn that there were fireworks behind us. We pulled away and both of our faces went even more red. I could tell that he felt what I just did. "So, what are we now? Boyfriends?"

"No." Hercules affirmed.

"Pardon me?"

"I said no, we're not boyfriends."

"Why? We like each other! It would be stupid to not do anything about it!" I start to raise my voice, replacing my sadness with anger.

"Laf, I said no because I want to do this properly." He grabbed my hands. "Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

My face goes red, realizing I had fucked up badly. "Yes, Hercules. I would love that." I plant a quick kiss on his cheek and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

~Herc's POV~

Laf plants a kiss on my cheek and leaves the room. I quickly change my clothes before he comes back. I flop down onto my single bed. I groaned, never being able to get in a comfortable position. I'm larger than the average male and this was an extremely small bed. I keep squirming in my bed when I get an idea.

I get up and pull Laf's bed next to mine. I grab a large blanket out of my sewing closet and wait for him to return. I don't know what he'll think about this, but I don't really care either. I really like Laf and I really wanted to feel the warmth of his body on mine again. Waking up to him this morning was something I wanted to happen everyday for the rest of my life.

Wait, not the rest of my life. Why did that even cross my mind? Laf and I have only known each other for a month and we haven't even been out on one date. I'm jumping into things too fast. I get up to put Laf's bed back when I see him standing at the doorway. I look at him, not saying anything. He gives a small nod. "I like this."

Oh god, he likes it. A rush of happiness runs through me, as well as worry. I feel like we're rushing into things, but I wasn't sure. We're both okay with this, it had to mean something. This had to be more than just a small crush, but I can't admit it.

I smile and lay on the two beds. He cuddles into me and rests his head on my chest. I wrap my arm around him, creating a secure and safe place for the two of us. After he drifts off to sleep I kiss him on the forehead. "Goodnight, you french fuck."

A/N- thank you guys for over a hundred reads! it means a lot to me that people are actually reading a story that i wrote. it's honestly crazy to me.

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