chapter four

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~Herc's POV~

As the day fades into the evening, the moment I was dreading arrived. Thomas Jefferson's party. Alex was going to get in a fight, John will get drunk out of his mind, and Laf would probably want to talk to Thomas all night. There was one thing I knew for sure: This night would be nothing like my dream.

I decide that I should probably look somewhat presentable and start to get ready. I throw on light blue skinny jeans and a pink v-neck. I usually wear my light grey beanie but it would probably be predictable, so I wear a slightly darker grey beanie.

I look at the clock- 6:30. The party started at 7:00, so we'd have to leave now if we wanted to get there on time. You'd think Thomas would just have a party in his dorm, but no. The Francophile had to be his extra self and have his party at his summer house. It's October.

To my surprise, everyone was already in the living room. Alex and John were wearing the matching shirts I made for them. John's says 'if lost return to Alex', and Alex's says 'I'm Alex'. You'd be surprised when you find out how many people have actually had to return him to Alex.

Lafayette was also wearing something I had made for him, the crop top and skirt. I forgot how good he looked in it. The outfit was originally for a client, but I figured I could just make another one. He just looked so happy when he was wearing it, I couldn't take that away.

"Should we get going?" Laf asked.

"Yeah, who's driving?" I question.

Alex volunteered and we all made our way to the car. John took the passenger seat which left Laf and I in the back. He was almost bouncing up and down in his seat from excitement. I loved seeing him excited, but there was another emotion of mine that masked by happiness. I knew that these feelings would be impossible to push away. I sighed and looked out the window.

Jealousy. The emotion was jealousy. There was no reason to be jealous, but here we are. Lafayette wasn't even my boyfriend and I was jealous of him so excited to see Thomas. Thomas! I told myself that I would never be jealous of Thomas Jefferson.

My discomfort must have been obvious, because Laf's facial expression switched from excited, to concerned fairly quickly. He put his hand on my knee and looked to me with worried eyes. "Are you okay, mon ami?"

I push my thoughts away, but there was really no way of knowing when they returned. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I assure and ruffle his hair up a bit. He giggled and turned his head back to the window. He excitedly looked at the city, studying every aspect of it. He seemed to really like it here. As he admired the city, I admired him.

After an awkward thirty minutes, we arrive at the party. We step out of the car and enter the house. To say this house was huge, would be an understatement. It was roughly the size of a large mall. Hell, there was even a food court on the second floor.

As Thomas and Lafayette greet each other with a hug, I notice that I'm not the only jealous person in the room. James Madison had pink cheeks while he looked away from the two. I give him a look that says 'I know what you're going through'. He replies with his face going from pale pink to tomato red. He looked down, obviously denying the feeling.

"I'm so glad you came. Laffy Taffy." Thomas smiled, and noticed the rest of us. "Hercules, John, Alexander! Um, thanks for coming, I guess."

Alex rolled his eyes and put his arm around his boyfriend. Not following Alex's behaviour, I smile at Thomas. "Thank you for having us." I wave. Thomas nods and leads us into a room that held the other people that came. At this time it was only the sisters, Angelica, Peggy, and Eliza, but I was told there were two more people coming.

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