chapter seven

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~Laf's POV~

We sit down at our table and quickly order drinks. I browse the menu, not really knowing what to order. Herc looks at his menu for about fifteen seconds and puts it down. He notices my issue and looks up at me. "Get the fettuccine Alfredo." he decides. "It's amazing."

"How many times have you been here?" I question.

"My mom's friend runs the place." He explains. "She'll give us a discount."

"Wow, you're cheap." I tease.

"I'm a college student, of course I am." He laughs and we go silent for a second. I can clearly see silence makes him uncomfortable, because he breaks it almost instantly. "Do you wanna play 20 questions?"

"This might sound stupid, but how do you play?"

Amused by my stupidity, he laughs. "We take turns asking each other questions, until we've reached 20 each."

"Sounds easy enough. You go first."

"Who was your best friend back in France?"

"Her name is Adrienne. She's wonderful. Really gay as well. We were the two outcasts, so we were instantly drawn to each other. At first, we just hung out because we had no one else, but we've been best friends since first grade. We kind of drifted apart once I met Tommy, er, Thomas, but there was no time zone separating Adrienne and I."

Herc flinched hearing the nickname I had for Thomas, but still seem fascinated in my story. "She seems wonderful, Laf. I'd love to meet her sometime."

"I'm sure she'd love you."

Herc gave a shy chuckle. "Okay, your turn."

"Okay. Have you ever done anything romantic with John or Alex?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially Alex."

"My lips are sealed."

"Back in freshman year when Alex was dating Eliza, John was really upset. He didn't like the fact that the two seemed so in love. He was sobbing into my chest and I didn't know what to do, so I kissed him. That escalated to making out, but nothing else happened. We promised not to speak of it ever again, but whenever Alex is being a dickwad, John comes to me for cuddles."

"Well, shit. Remind me to never keep you two alone in a room."

He pushes my shoulder lightly. "Shut up!"

"Herc, mon ami, you know me. When do I ever shut up?"

He rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face. "Anyways, my turn." His face changed from adorable, to evil when a huge smirk went over his face. "Are you a top, or a bottom?"

I put my hand behind my head, scratching my neck. "It, um, depends on who I'm with."

"That doesn't answer my question."

I sigh. "I'm a bottom..."

"Called it!!" 

"Would you shush?"

"Laf, my friend, you know me. When do I ever shush?"

"You have a point there." I try to think of a question equal to his. "What is one embarrassing thing that I should know about you?"

Hercules sighed and started to blush. "Whenever I get anxious, I cuddle my first teddy bear that I've had since I was born."

I covered my mouth with my hand, almost in tears because of how cute this man was. "That's so sweet." I mange to spit out.

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