Chapter 2

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Craig's POV

I woke up at 5:40 took a long shower got dressed "New school new life" i say to myself got down ate said hello to my mom and dad and my Good dog sparky! Ate breakfast got to the bus and i sat at the 2nd row of the bus

I woke up at 5:40 took a long shower got dressed "New school new life" i say to myself got down ate said hello to my mom and dad and my Good dog sparky! Ate breakfast got to the bus and i sat at the 2nd row of the bus

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The school bus

The inside of the school bus

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The inside of the school bus

And got to the bus at 6:20 with only 10 people and waited for the other students while on my phone

Wildcat's or tyler POV
I woke up at 6:00 and said to myself "Fuck im going to be late!" Quickly got off the bed took a quick shower got dressed ate a quick breakfast and saw my watch it said 6:20 and i sighed and think to myself (AN: IF ITS IN ITALLICS THEN THEY'RE THINKING OR DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT) 'make friends and no bully anymore' and got interrupted by a honk on a yellow bus and quickly got on and saw a spot next to a boy and sat next to him and said "what's up my name is Tyler" and he said "oh my name is craig" craig said with a cute accent "wow cool accent where is it from?"i said and im pretty sure i saw him blushed and said"oh um thanks im from brittian but got to 'MURICA (SORRY I HAD TO) cuz this is where my mom lives" and we talked about random shit and got out of the bus when it honked.

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