Chapter 13

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(Hey guys i just want to say a quick thing im gonna have chapters dedicated to ships other than the main shipt ofc witch is H20vanoss and i know, i know i said in my first chapter that the ships is all gonna be balanced out but i just couldn't do it but i will try to balance it out okay sooo dont be sad just YET) (Terrorsnuckel chapter btw)

Brock's POV
Thank god i managed to not go to the party but i still feel a little bad though just because i couldn't help Scotty and Brian just felt sad about it but i gotta do that i gotta do to hide my Anxiety and you might be wondering why dont i just tell them?, well that's because if i do they will treat me 'Differently' or just full on bully me because in Middle school when i told them that i had Anxiety they just bully me but lets get those sad thoughts out of here.
"Hey Brock why didn't you go to the party?" Brian asked and oh yeah i forgot to tell you im in my house right now with Brian and he went back here to just talk and some shit after the party
"Umm...just didn't really felt like it" I quickly lied and giving him a fake smile witch he thankfully believed
"Well it's still 3:20 PM what do you want to do?" He asked
"Umm..i dont know" I said
"Hey want to go to the mall?" He said as he stood up
"Umm...sure i guess why not?" I said as i went to my room to quickly change

Time skip
I haven't been updating

When we were at the mall i ammediatlly got dragged around like a puppy with a leash on it.
We went to clothing stores,shoes,foods and shit, "Brian how long are we gonna be in here?" I asked him
"Probably another hour why?" He says as i looked at my watch it was 5:25 'Shit shit fuck my meds!' I thought to myself "Umm..because i was just hungry and uh... um... tired" I lied to him "Okay we'll eat at the chinese restaraunt over there" He said while pointing at a rest near us "B-B-But i-i-im ti-tired" I lied while swalloing this lump in my throat and giving him a fake reassuring smile but he caught it "Brock are you okay you've been acting weird today?" He asks as he looks at me with his eyes full of concern and scared "Umm..yes ofc" I said
"Bull.Fucking.Shit now tell me what's up?" He says in a demanding tone i looked at my watch and it read 5:32
"Fuck umm.. shit i uh... need to uh..gotta go" I said as i ran to the bathroom and i felt like i was suffocating and the noises didn't help and i was crying but i made it to the bathroom.
'Fuck where is it?!' I thought while trying to find my pills "Fuck i left it at home!" I whispered-yelled at myself and started sobbing "Hey Brocky are you okay?" Brian said and i widened my eyes 'Fuck shit he followed me in here i should've known!' "Um...yeah im just *Voice crack fine" I said as i realised my voice crack "You're lying you were crying (That ryhmes)" He says as i just countined to sob quietly and it was a good thing that no one else was in the bathroom "Brock let me come in" He says "No please just go" I said in a whispered voice "Brock come on" He says while shaking the handle witch was locked


"Brock please" He says i then just sighed and slowly unlocked the door and was englufed into a hug and i just cried on his shoulders still shaking because of my panic attack "Shh....shh...just tell me what's wrong" He says while closing the door bathroom thingy behind him "I-im-" I said as i was discountinued by my sobbings and my breathing became really unsteady and my body shaking violently "Shh...just breath in and out in and out" He says while still hugging me and sat down bring me with him and putting me on his lap wich made me slightly blushed but he didn't notice "You're okay" He says that to me while rubbing my back and i became more calm slowly but surely "Okay...okay" I said to calm myself down "Now-" He said while lifting up my chin and countinued with "-What's wrong?" He asked "i had a um uhm...uhhh-" I was cut of by Brian "It's okay just tell me what's wrong?" I then sighed and just said "I have uhh um Anxiety and i forgot to take my meds and im having my p-p-panic a-at-attack" I said kinda whispering "Why didn't you tell me you had Anxiety?" He asked "B-Because well uhh umm..well you see in my other schools i got bullied because of it" I said whispering the lasf sentence "Brocky~ are you scared we will hate you?" He asked i then just nodded "Hey we're not gonna hate you because of it we're your friends for fuck sakes now let's a go" He says 'Great Brock you just got friend zoned' I think to myself as i stood up and Brian following "Now come on and go to your house you had a pretty stressfull day" He says while walking out of the bathroom

Tim skip to de hous

When we got to my house i quickly got in and got o my room trying to find my pills/meds
'Fuck fuck fuck come on where is it?, i cant lose it!' I thought to myself and i saw my meds i mentally cheered and got a glass of water and drank it along with my pills and i got downstairs and saw Brian "Hey Brian" I said he then looked at me "C-C-Can y-you keep th-this a secret?" "Sure ofc" He says "Now i gtg bye Brock" He says while walking to the front door "Bye!" I said and i went upstairs and to my room and faced first down to my bed

(And scene ola bitches and im trully sorry for not updaing or anything i just felt really unmotivated and im having writters block but besides dat i gtg cya)

Words:1095 (including A/N's)

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