chapter 3

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Nogla's POV
I woke up at 5:54 took a shower got dressed look in the mirror and thought to myself '1 make new friends 2 study 3 be a good student' they were my bucket list then got down kissed my mom said hi to JOE AND TONY! And said hi to my bro ate breakfast heard a honk quickly finished breakfast said goodbye to everyone got to the bus at 6:10 sat at the front row of the bus and waited for other student's

Lui's POV
I woke up at 5:40 took a long and hot shower got dressed and thought to myself 'dont let them get to your head,be yourself and make friends' then he quickly got downstairs said hi to his beloved mother and dad and ate breakfast quickly then heard a loud honk then he said bye to his mom and dad and kissed them goodbye and got on the bus on 6:20 and sat to a boy and i said "hi there my name is lui what's yours?" "Uh my name is David but you can call me nogla if you like" he said in his deep irish accent "Wow cool accent Nogla!" I said in my squeker voice and he looked away blushing i think but i choose to ignore it and shrugged then we talk about stuff the whole way there

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