Chapter Six

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Alex was scared of Victor for the first time.

He hated that feeling, but clearly there was a lot more going on here than he had been told originally. Had Victor lied to him? Why would he lie? Didn't he trust him?

"Well? Come on! Get your shoes. I'll take you home and come back for you in an hour. Pack your things. Anything that you care about." Victor said, sounding rushed as he switched the TV off. Alex couldn't move. His legs felt like lead.

"What's going on? What the hell do you mean by 'road trip'? I have work tomorrow! I've got things to do." Alex protested as he went to get his shoes. He knew it was pointless though, considering the way Victor was moving and speaking. He was very frantic, and was moving quickly.

"Trust me, work will be the least of your concerns." Victor said, tugging Alex up and leading him outside. The shorter of the two looked considerably paler, mainly from nerves and fear. What was he supposed to tell his boss tomorrow? What if he got fired? He probably wouldn't but...he couldn't help but worry.

Then he thought on what Victor told him.

'Work will be the least of your concerns.'

What did that mean? What was going to concern him more? He was terrified. He couldn't show it though, he didn't want to upset Victor any further. He kept quiet throughout the whole car journey, which was luckily only around ten minutes.

"Be quick okay? Only take what you need to." Victor said as Alex got out of the car. The older boy nodded in response, still staying silent as he headed into his apartment building.

Once he got into his apartment, he went to his bedroom and sat down on his bed. He thought over everything that just happened, and he hung his head and cried. Cried because he'd clearly been lied to. Cried because he had been too stupid and head over heels for Victor that he hadn't realised he was being lied to.

Alex soon stood up, knowing he had to get his stuff together. He grabbed a hold all from his wardrobe, and started putting all of his favourite clothes, and headed to the bathroom to grab his toothbrush. He looked in the mirror above the sink and sighed softly, his face was all red and blotchy now. There wasn't much chance of him being able to hide this from Victor, considering the fact that he'd be here in five minutes, possibly less than that. He hadn't realised how long he was taking until now.

He grabbed a few other things he'd need, like a phone charger and a portable battery pack. He then looked at his apartment one more time, knowing it was unlikely he'd be back here soon. He looked around, remembering every minute of decorating this place. The walls were white in the hallway, but each room had a different pastel colour on the walls.

His favourite room was his bedroom, though. The walls were sky blue, and the carpet was fluffy and white. His duvet was also white, and his mattress cover light blue, his pillows being the same - one blue and one white. All of his furniture in that room was light brown wood, and it always made him feel like he was in the sky, almost he was invincible. He loved that. He had always loved the sky.

He didn't have a choice over leaving, though. His memories were interrupted however, as he heard a fast, frantic knock on his door and knew that his time was up, so to say.

He grabbed his bag from his bed, hauling it over his shoulder as he grabbed his key from the little table next to the door. He then looked at the photo frame there, and he stared at the picture. It was of him and his brother. They were young, dressed in muddy clothes as they had clearly just finished a very intense game of soccer with their friends. He remembered that day well.

"Alex! Come on! We gotta go!" He could hear Victor yelling. He knew he had to get going now, for his own sake and for the sake of the people in his building. They had kids after all, and he didn't want to scare them. He grabbed the photo frame and stuffed it in his bag, rushing out of the door and locking it behind him.

"I'll take that. Looks heavy." Victor said softly, taking the hold all from Alex carefully as they headed down to his car. The shorter boy was about to refuse, but he didn't have a chance to. He followed Victor downstairs and got in the passenger side, putting his seatbelt on and sighing softly. Victor got in next to him and looked over at his boyfriend, frowning when he realised that he'd been crying.

"Alex...? What's the matter?" He asked softly, knowing it was probably because his life as he knew it was going to change but he wanted to hear it in his own words.

"You won't tell me anything! You lied to me!" Alex snapped suddenly. Victor jumped in shock and fright, having not expected such a sudden reaction. Alex sighed softly afterwards, his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry. But you lied to me and you're not telling me what we're doing or where we're going. I..." Alex murmured softly, his voice shaking which was a sure sign that he was on the edge of tears. Victor had to do something.

"I just...I thought that you'd hate me, or you'd be scared of me if I told you the truth. You're the first guy I've liked in ages and you're so cute and..." Victor trailed off slowly. They'd been together for a while now, so it wouldn't be too early to tell him. But he wasn't sure if he himself was ready to say it. He'd gotten this far though, so why didn't he just do it?

"Victor...I don't care about what you've done. You're not irrational. You would've had a reason to do whatever you think is so bad." Alex said quietly, finding it strange how he was the one who was about to cry and yet he was doing the comforting.

"I may have had a reason but that doesn't make what I did right." Victor said softly, starting the car and driving off. Alex didn't want that to be his answer though. He didn't want to settle with that.

"Then tell me what it is. Tell me what's going on...tell me everything." Alex said, almost sounding as if he was pleading. He kind of was, seeing as he felt that he deserved to know what he'd gotten himself into.

"Fine. I will." Victor said simply. He had no choice. He deserved to know the truth. He had lied for long enough.

He loved Alex. He wouldn't lose him because of this.

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