Chapter Thirteen

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Victor sat in his car in the parking lot of a random service station. He didn't want to obey James, due to the rebellious side of him. He'd always been sort of anti establishment, but on this occasion, he decided to let it slide. After all, everyone needed a nap now and again.

Yet, even though he was exhausted both emotionally and physically, he couldn't sleep for long. He couldn't relax, he couldn't be happy, he was too worried about Alex. God, what has he done? If only he didn't start smoking, or he never got involved with the gang...Okay, well, maybe that was a bit far. Especially seeing as he didn't even know Alex at that point, he couldn't have foreseen this happening but still! It was his fault for ever getting involved with Alex. He shouldn't have asked him out that day at the gallery. He shouldn't have gotten so close to him, he was so stupid!

The guilt was eating away at him, Alex was going to die and it was all his fault. Just like it was with Olivia. They're both gone and—


His phone was ringing, and it was...James? Holy shit. Maybe all was not lost just yet. Maybe they found him! Or maybe he was! Don't think like that.

"James! What's going on? Did you get him? Where is he? Come on, I have to know!" He said, sounding frantic as he fired question after question.
"He's at the hotel, but he's not alone. Apparently he's with some guy...but he's not from Michael's side, at least he's saying he isn't. He's...look, are you ready for this?" James asked, keeping his cool despite the fact he was internally freaking out over this development.
"Of fucking course I am! Stop fucking stalling and tell me!" Victor snapped, starting his car. Though, when he heard the words, he couldn't deny the fact that he was taken aback by them.

"He's with...he's with Jack..."


Alex watched as Jack pulled into the parking lot of the motel that was the starting point. For some reason, he was nervous. Why? Well, he was about to find out.

"Come on, kid. Let's get you back where you should be, huh?" Jack asked with a small smile, though he almost looked sad.
" aren't just gonna go, right? I mean...Victor misses you! You can't go without seeing him..." Alex pleaded, also not really wanting his saviour to just leave. Jack fidgeted a little, looking at Alex as he faked like he wanted to leave. He had to stay, and he knew it. He'd stay even it Alex didn't want him to, it was part of their plan. He had to meet Victor again and get him to trust him, there was reasoning to everything he was doing right now, why he had saved Alex, why he had brought him back.

"Okay...Fine, I'll stay until he comes back." He sighed, to which Alex grinned and got out of the car. Within moments of that, however, they were surrounded.

"Call boss and tell him we got him!" One of the boys ordered, pushing Alex behind him as he turned to face Jack who was surrounded by a couple of others.
"Who are you?! Hands where we can see them!" He ordered, to which Jack rolled his eyes with a smirk and shook his head as he raised his hands obediently.

"Happy now? Clearly, Victor has done some recruiting...after all, if you were one of mine, you would know better." He chuckled softly, giving a cocky smirk.
" do you know him? Who are you?" They asked, clearly confused as to how Jack was affiliated with Victor.
"I'm Jack. That's all you have to know, and that's all you have to tell him. He'll know who I am."

The group shared a look before turning around to face him once again, one of them dialling a number quickly. Doing what he was told, obviously.

"You don't have to protect me from him! He saved me, he's not dangerous!" Alex protested, attempting to shove through the wall of men that stood between him and Jack.
"We don't know that. Now get back! If you get hurt, Victor will cut our heads off and mount them on his wall!" The other said, clearly taking it upon himself to take charge of the situation. Ugh, he was already annoying Alex. He silently hoped that Victor would do that to them anyway. They'd all be better off without him.

On the topic of Victor, a car flew into the parking lot. Then, a familiar pale, lanky boy got out and raced towards them. He looked more tired than usual, and was sporting an extremely messy hairstyle. Well, Alex doubted it was styled that way, but still. That's not the point.

"What are you all doing? Holding them hostage? Move out of the way!" He snapped, causing the members to move out of the way to allow Alex to come into view. As soon as Victor saw him, he pulled him into his arms swiftly and buried his face in his neck, letting out a shaky breath as he held him tightly. No words were said at first, none were needed. As soon as Alex was back in Victor's arms, he cried. Cried from the relief that he was back, that he was alive. And he cried because he knew how upset Victor would've been. When Victor hurt, so did he.

Victor himself was determined not to cry, but he couldn't help the slight trembling that overcame him, and the way his eyes watered.
"Baby, I'm so sorry I left you...I'm sorry this happened, I'm sorry I didn't protect you..." Victor mumbled once he felt able to without his voice breaking.
"I don't care about...a-about any of th-that...doesn't matter...but-but you..." Alex moved back from the hug and wiped his eyes, giving a weak smile as he turned to Jack, who was leaning against his car with his arms folded and had a slight smirk on his face.

"Long time no see, Vic. You're all grown up now." He chuckled, teasing him as he always used to. Victor's jaw almost dropped. That was him! He didn't know whether or not he should be happy to see him. After all...he did just up and leave them, leave him to take care of everything. But Jack was almost like a role model to him...he couldn't be mad at him. But what was he doing back here?

"I guess...what are you doing back here?" Victor asked with a slight frown, trying to keep his cool while he was screaming on the inside because Jack is standing in front of him after seemingly disappearing three years ago.
"Well, I was...I was just in the area...look, I have some explaining to do. Is there anywhere we can go to sit and talk? It's important." Jack said, smirk disappearing from his features. That meant it was serious, never was Jack not smiling like he knew something you didn't.

"I guess we can go up to the room. I still have the key—" Victor said, rummaging in his pocket as he was interrupted by one of the members. He looked over at him with a frown, as if saying 'if this isn't important, you're dead'.
"Boss, I don't think it's a good idea for you do go up there without back up with...him." He said quietly, as though he felt like he shouldn't be saying it. And he was right, he shouldn't.
"I didn't ask for your opinion, did I? Stay in the area. But you're not coming with us. I'll call you when we're done."

And with that, Victor walked into the hotel with an arm around Alex with Jack on the other side. All the while, the receptionist hadn't noticed anything happening in the parking lot. Thank god for employees who don't give two shits about their jobs.

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