Chapter Fifteen

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Alana Ray jolted awake as her phone rang. Oh god, it better not be Trisha again. It was her day off and there was no way that she was covering for someone else for the third time in one week. With a yawn, she sat up and glanced at the time. Half past nine in the morning? Seriously?

"This better be good—" she started, but was cut off by a familiar voice.
"Hey, Liv. I...have some news for you..." Jack said from the other end. Anytime he said he had news, she always felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. It could be anything, she had learned over the time she had known Jack. Nothing he could say or do would surprise her anymore, or at least that's what she thought.
"I...Okay, long story short...I found Vic again. He knows that I know where you are, but I've told him nothing. He really wants to see you again and I just want to make sure you're—" he spoke quickly, trying to get everything out before she'd inevitably interrupt him.
"That I'm okay with it? Of course I am! He's my little brother! it safe for him? You know what they said..." but of course, she should've known that Jack had a plan for this.

Jack explained his plan. Victor would go to the clothing store she worked in on Friday. Olivia/Alana would take him to the back room of the store, claiming she was showing him the changing rooms, and they'd do what they had to do there. There would be lookouts all around the general area so it was safe enough, but they had to make sure they didn't take too long. She considered all of this for a few moments, then agreed.

"Okay, I trust you. Lets do this." She said, then hung up after there was discussion about if she was really ready to do this. Of course she was! It had been years since she went missing and left her brother. She couldn't help but feel guilty, seeing as...well it was sort of her fault, right? Never mind that now, though.

After the call ended, she checked what day it is. Saturday. Ugh, Friday is so long away. Well...the wait will be worth it. She hoped, at least. What was Victor like now? Was he still the same boy she knew? The one that cried because he got stuck at the top of the monkey bars as a child? With every fibre of her being, she prayed that he was. She wasn't sure how she'd react if he wasn't.

With a sigh, she got out of bed and headed downstairs. She was up now, she wouldn't be able to sleep after getting that news. She likely wouldn't stop thinking about it all day, but she guessed that wasn't a big deal. It's not like she was up to much, and as the early morning phone call from Jack woke her up, maybe she could do something productive. Exercise or something, who knew.

However, one thing was for certain. She wouldn't stop thinking about Friday. The day she'd be reunited with her baby brother.


Wow, Olivia could certainly be productive when she wanted to be. After she got off of the phone with Jack and got up, she made herself her breakfast then got ready to go to the gym. She'd had the membership for the last three months and had only gone three times, so she figured she may as well get her money's worth seeing as it was $20 a month.

After finishing her workout and changing, she left the gym and went to search for somewhere to get food. What place did she happen to choose? A cafe, partly because she knew she'd get a decent salad there and because she felt she deserved a coffee after being productive today. Well, it was a takeout coffee, but coffee nonetheless.

Now, here's where things get interesting.

After spending an totally not okay amount of time in the cafe using their WiFi, she left with a takeout coffee in one hand and her phone in the other as she scrolled through an article she was reading. She should've known better than to do that while on the move, though.

A few moments after walking down the street, she suddenly collided with something, or someone. It didn't hurt, but it did send her stumbling backwards as her paper cup fell to the ground with the contents of it covering the person's front. Ah shit, well done Olivia. Smart move. Was that article about that love island couple breaking up worth it? Well...what happened next made it both worth it and not worth it.

In front of her stood a boy, slightly shorter than herself with brown hair and big brown eyes that closely resembled those of a doll. He looked like a little kid. Or...well, okay, maybe not a little kid...more like a teenager. At any rate, Olivia was quickly apologising for what she'd just done.

"I'm so sorry! Oh god, that didn't burn did it? Hey, I have some wipes in my bag..." she spoke quickly, starting to frantically look through the bag in question as the boy...laughed? Really? Why was he laughing? She just spilled burning coffee all over his shirt and denim jacket.
"I'm alright, don't worry about it. I'll live, it wasn't that hot and I own a washing machine. This will come out, and if it doesn't...well, that wouldn't be so bad. I hate plaid..." He chuckles, brushing off his red and black checked shirt.
"Are you sure? Well...alright...hey, I'm Oli-Alana. What's your name?" She asked, quick to cover up her slight slip up when it came to introducing herself. How was she still in the habit of telling people she was Olivia? Who knew.

A flicker of some kind of recognition flickered over the smaller boy's features, but he said nothing about it and instead introduced himself.
"I'm Alex. It's nice to meet you Alana..." he said, briefly looking passed her before gasping softly and looking back at her.
"Hey, I gotta go, but do you wanna swap numbers or something? I wanna be your friend. If that's not creepy..." he chuckles, pulling his phone out as he spoke. He seemed to be in a rush, though.
"Huh? Oh! Sure, yeah, sorry for—" she started, but was cut off by a male voice approaching them.

"Alex! You were supposed to meet me fifteen minutes ago!" He said, causing Alex to give a loud sigh. The owner of the voice then came into view, and Olivia's blood ran cold, her heart very nearly stopped and she completely froze. Was that...
"Victor, it's fine. I've told you before, public transport isn't always on time and I only have small legs, I can't go as fast as you." He rolled his eyes, the taller wrapping his arm around his shoulder as he turned to look at Olivia who was still stood there. He had a similar reaction to her as he laid eyes on her, taking a few moments before he spoke.

" that you...?" He asked, almost inaudibly as though he didn't want her to hear in case he didn't get the answer he wanted. In case it wasn't her. Olivia herself still couldn't speak, only just managing to nod. When he saw that, Victor didn't hesitate to pull her into a tight hug which she returned as tears pooled in her eyes.

Finally. They're reunited. Everything is fine. Nothing else matters.

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