Chapter Eight

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It was exhilarating. The first kill always is.

That night was a cold one, the moon was huge and the sky full of stars. On any other night, Victor would've sat outside alone for hours and gazed up at the stars with a blanket around his shoulders and a cup of tea in his hand. But this wasn't any normal night.

They were going to assassinate someone. Namely, Michael's right hand man. Michael himself couldn't be found right now, and they wouldn't give him the easy way out of this. They knew what had happened; Olivia had been trafficked out of the country. Where was she? No one knew. She could be dead or anything, they just didn't know. But they decided to get their revenge. Start taking down everyone he cared about.

Well, that was the plan anyway. Nothing that feels this good can ever happen so easily, but we'll get to that soon.

Victor was sitting in the passenger side of the van that belonged to Jack, who he found out was the leader of this gang. Benji couldn't make it tonight. Why? He didn't know. However, this meant that Victor was second in command for tonight, something that the others were very much envious of.

"So, you're really up for this, huh?" Jack asked, attempting to start idle conversation with the newest member of his gang.

"'Course. That asshole needs to get was coming to him, and so does everyone else that helped him with his shitty plan." Victor snapped, only realising he had done so after it'd already happened.

"Shit, sorry—" he attempted to apologise to the leader who, weirdly enough, was laughing. Huh? He wasn't mad? Or maybe he was...he was so hard to read sometimes.

"Ah, don't worry about it Vic. You're just passionate. So cute." He chuckled, to which Victor flushed bright red. Cute? That caught him off guard. So much so that he didn't even have a smart comeback ready...not that that was really needed seeing as he didn't exactly...dislike it.

He couldn't dwell on the strange comment from the leader for long, however, as they arrived at the destination where the man in question was. Or, the area. It was a secluded area of woods, with a large house in amongst it all which was supposedly their headquarters. It wouldn't surprise Victor if they all lived together with a set up like that.
They each grabbed their guns and headed out quietly, Jack taking them all aside.

"We're going to move in pairs. James is with Calum, Matt is with Danny—don't give me that tone, you two. Okay, anyway...Eli is with Nate and Vic is with me. Understand? You'll all search the surrounding area, and Vic and I will go inside. Remember, shoot to disable, not kill unless it's absolutely necessary." Jack instructed, each member nodding in response. At this, he gave a small smirk.

"Good. Now get going." He said simply, and with that, himself and Victor were heading around the back of the building in question to try and find a way inside. After all, they couldn't exactly just walk through the front door.

"You know, I've been thinking for a while and I still don't understand why you'd want to help me. I'm just some random kid who's sister went missing. Happens every day." Victor said, seemingly out of the blue. The response from Jack was slightly delayed, but it came eventually. Better late than never.

"Your case wasn't an everyday one. Olivia was in a relationship with a man who has no concern for any other human life but his own. He's gotten away with this shit for too long, and we finally have a clear case for going after him. After all...we can't afford to make hasty judgements." The leader explained, heading to an open window to open it further. In Victor's mind, this almost seemed too convenient. Still, he wasn't about to voice that. He figured that Jack knew best, he trusted him so didn't doubt his actions.

Both boys climbed through the now wide gap, blinking to adjust to the sudden darkness. A door could only just be seen ahead of them, but they made their way towards it. With this, they could safely assume they were in some kind of storage room. Once out, they were in a dark kitchen. Seemingly, no one was in.

"I'm gonna find a way upstairs. You stay down here and keep watch, sound good?" The older suggested, heading towards the exit. Victor simply nodded, not feeling the need to say much else. Sometimes words aren't necessary.

Victor took a seat on the countertop while he waited, swinging his legs idly with his gun in his lap as he looked around the kitchen. Seemingly, from what he could tell in the limited lighting, it was...white maybe? Well, the cabinets and walls were white for the most part, the stove and the extractor fan being darker colours. He could only assume that they were black or something. His eyes then moved to where he was sitting. Granite worktops, huh? That's like something out of an advert. He couldn't deny it was nice to look at, but perhaps—wait, what?

Jack must've been gone a long time if Victor was examining the interior decorating and giving it a review like someone out of 60 minute makeovers or some shit. As such, he decided to head upstairs and check out what was taking so long. And man, was he glad he did, because moments later, there was a loud commotion from the next room.

"Get off of me!" He could hear, who he assumed to be, Jack screeching. With that, Victor ran to where the voice came from, gun in hand as he burst through the door. This memory would always be vivid for him, and he knew that because it was the first and only time he ever saw Jack scared.

"Oh, who's this? Your little corner boy coming to save you? Yeah fucking right. Hey, Michael, come take a look at this!" The man who had Jack in a choke hold shouted.

Michael. Shit. That's him. Well, supposedly...

Victor could hear footsteps approaching. This is it! If this is him, he could kill the man that took his sister from him, he could get rid of him! But...then he looked to Jack. The one who promised him that he'd help him avenge Olivia. The one who had taken him under his wing, plus a multitude of other things. The older's face was changing colour, his complexion was a lot more red which was a definite contrast to his normal ghostly one. He could very well die if he didn't do something, and the man holding him didn't seem to be armed...

But Michael could disappear in one action, and Jack would likely understand, he's not allowing one of his closest friends to die. He's not even considering that to be an option, especially when he isn't even sure that the person coming to the door is who he thinks it is.

With that in mind, Victor drew his gun and aimed it at the man's forehead. He took a deep breath, and with one last slow breath out, he pulled the trigger as Jack squeezed his eyes shut, seemingly scared that Victor would miss.

Ha. As if.

The bullet flew towards his forehead, and in a flash, he fell to the ground and released Jack, who fell to the ground coughing and gasping. Victor hesitated briefly before rushing towards the leader, helping him to sit up as the man in the hallway, supposedly Michael, ran in the opposite direction and disappeared.

"Vic! What were you thinking? You could've killed Michael! You could've gotten what you wanted!" He said through rushed breaths.

"And lost you? Yeah, right. Wouldn't have felt as good. You okay, boss?" Victor asked, helping the other to his feet.

"I'm fine. me Jacky. Let's get out of here." Jack said, turning to head to the door as he gave a small smile.

Victor really was something special to him.

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