Chapter Eleven

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James stood quickly and slipped his phone into his pocket, taking a deep breath to slow his racing heart. Shit, how is he ever gonna get anyone to help them? They all hate Victor now, they probably hate Alex...but it's worth a try. And if need be, he'll go by himself. He'd do anything for Victor, and if Victor wanted him to find Alex and get him back safely, he'd do exactly that.

"Right, listen up everyone!" He said, heading into the living room where everyone was gathered. Well, most of them were. Some were talking, some were watching tv, some were playing card games but all activities ceased when they heard the new leader's voice. Well, he'd taken the role of leader anyway. They all sort of looked to him after Victor seemingly left them, and if James didn't do it then someone else would. And that someone would likely be the wrong person for the job.

"What is it, boss? What's going on?" One of the guys asked. Well, in all honesty it was mostly guys in the gang but there were a few girls. Anyway, James was quick to explain the issue even though he was dreading it somewhat.
"So, Victor just called me. He left the city with his boyfriend, Alex today and they're currently staying in a hotel. From what I can see, Victor left the room for some reason and when he came back, Alex had been taken. He thinks he knows who did it, but he needs help to get him back. Now—" James explained, about to tell them that they had to help Victor. Everyone obviously saw this, and were quick to protest.

"Why should we help him? He left us! People were killed all because of him! We're supposed to do him a favour after he left us for a guy? I don't think so." One of the guys, known for being  outspoken, said. James was pretty sure his name was Nathan or something, but he couldn't really remember. Was that bad? Maybe. Could you blame him, though? Not really, they had quite a few members so it was hardly surprising that James couldn't always put a name to every face there.
"So you're willing to let an innocent person die because of another person's mistake? You may hate Victor, you may want to maim him, that doesn't matter. This isn't about him, this is about an innocent person! A life is at stake and you only care about your own fucking feelings. Great morals." He rolled his eyes, dismissing him when he tried to retaliate. After that was said, everyone else shared a look. Maybe James was right.

One of the first to speak up was a newer member, going by the name Cameron. He was somewhat short in stature and had a bit of a baby face, but that didn't stop him from doing his job. He could snap a bone if he needed to.
"We don't have to do this for Victor, we could do it for Alex. Or the boss. It's not fair to refuse to help someone just because they're involved with someone we hate, it's unfortunate but sometimes you have to look passed those things. Anyway, I'm in. I'll do whatever you need." He said, standing and walking to stand at James' side. Slowly, one by one, people began to join him. A smile crept on to James' features as the number multiplied, only a couple of girls and guys that they were involved with staying behind.  Well, fuck them. James had what he needed right here.

"So boss, what's the plan?"


It was dark. That's all Alex could see when he began to wake up. Had he gone blind? No...there was dim light coming from the seats in front of him. Wait...where was he? Where was Victor? Oh god. He felt like he was having a panic attack. Stay calm...Victor is coming. He's going to come and get you and everything will be fine.

"No one will hurt you again. Do you know why?"
"Because I'll hurt them first."

Those words echoed in his mind, helping him relax even if it wasn't much.

"Oh shit...Michael reminded me that we have to pick up that stuff from Anya, we'll have to take him with us." One of the people in the front spoke up, which prompted Alex to shut his eyes and go still. It was just as well, seeing as the same guy peered into the back seat where he lay.
"Shouldn't be too much trouble. He's still passed out, but we'll have to make it quick anyway. We already kept him waiting thanks to them being so sappy." He carried on with a roll of his eyes.

Within ten minutes or so, the car stopped and both boys got out. He heard the lock in the car click and waited a few minutes before moving to get a look out of the window. They're in a parking lot, poorly lit but with a car a few feet away. No one sat in it. Fuck, he really had no chance now, did he? No, don't think like that! Victor is coming! But what if—

He stopped. Froze in his spot as he heard someone outside of the car. He turned around slowly. There stood a tall, pale man with dark purple bags under his eyes and what appeared to be a bed head. Oh god, this guy was gonna kill him now? Great. Just great. He watched as a small gap appeared between the car door and the frame itself, a long thin pole being slipped into that gap. The man then pressed the lock button on the door, which then caused it to fall open.

"Hey, kid! Come on! If you wanna live, come with me!" He hissed, leaning into the car. His face became clearer, and he almost looked familiar, but Alex could've sworn he's never seen this guy before...

"Why should I trust you?" Alex replied swiftly, though it came out a lot softer and pathetic sounding than he intended it to.
"Because I know Victor, and I know those guys. They'll take you to their boss and kill you, but I can take you back to where you belong. Look, just trust me okay?" He said, soft voice sounding more frantic now. He assumed they were running out of time. With that in mind, Alex took a chance and climbed through to the front seat and slipped out of the car. If this guy was lying and he wanted to kill him too, he wouldn't be any better off than he was back there.

Then it sank in. He knew Victor. He said his name! What the hell? He decided not to question the man yet, though. Instead, he followed him to his car, which turned out to be the only other one in the parking lot. Hardly surprising, really. Once inside, he put his seatbelt on and soon, the car sped off into the night back the way it came.

"How do you know my boyfriend? Who are you?" Alex asked, the reality of the situation sinking in. He was sitting in a car with a complete stranger speeding down a road that he didn't know in a place he didn't know.
"My name's Jack. I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard about me. Victor old friend." He said with a small smirk, seeming totally calm in contrast to the way he was frantically whispering to him mere moments ago.

Holy shit. This was him. The Jack he had been told about. The Jack that Victor had killed someone to save. Oh god.

"I'm...familiar with who you are..." Alex spoke, almost feeling in awe of the man next to him.
"You look starstruck. Don't, I'm nothing special." Jack chuckled, easily being able to read Alex despite the fact that he hardly knew him.
"I'm sorry I just-Victor killed someone for you, you were so special to him...I think you still are, honestly..." The younger said, attempting to recover from his awestruck state.
"I see...ah, Vicky has always been so sweet. He really was cute back in those days...and don't worry, I don't mean it like that. He's like a little brother to me." Jack joked, but Alex could only muster a small chuckle. Partly because of the sheer amount of shock he felt, but partly because...there was something off. He didn't know what, but something wasn't quite right here.

If only he knew how that would've ended up.

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