Hello Angbang shippers

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This is an Angbang story written by me and my amazing friend SweetieDoggie, who's @elevenelvenswords over on Tumblr.

Beautiful cover art is by Lindirswife (thank you so much!!) or @angbang.russingon.life on Instagram.

We write a different scene each from different points of view, in no particular order or pattern. I don't really know what's going to happen, we make it up as we go along XD sometimes it's just a bit of fluff but there is some action, I'll try to update it regularly. The chapters are usually quite short as we can only write one or two paragraphs at a time, but it gets a lot better as the story continues.

Disclaimer: If we owned this then Maedhros would still be alive.

Warnings: Some torture and violence, obviously Angbang action but not very intense. This is not smut.

Summary so far: I won't write any spoilers, but we don't know where this is going either. Begins with a bit of angst and fluff, until we get to torture, more emotions, and it's getting more exciting as it goes on I promise!!

Main characters: Melkor, Mairon, Meadhros, Thuringwethil and Maglor.

Pairings: Melkor/Mairon, mentions of Maedhros/Fingon.

And from the bottom of our hearts thank you so so much for reading. :)

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