Chapter 4: The Start of Something Interesting

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(Part 2)

"Hey, there was something else interesting I heard this morning." I bring up, hoping to stall their little dispute.

It works. "What?" Zoey asks, confused. "I also heard something about new evidence regarding the airplane crash a year and a half ago that killed hundreds including Miles Storm." I take my last bite of pizza crust, washing it down with more water.

"Eh, no one knows what it is." Zack lazily says, not seeming very interested in the topic. "The governments keeping it from everyone - as usual." He mumbles the last part out, almost so quiet I can't hear him.

Miles Storm: one of the two scientist that discovered the serum that turned people into Celestials.

He's often thought of as some evil scientist guy with a small humpback minion for a sidekick. A classic case of mistaken identity. But in reality, he worked hard, he raised a family, and he'd literally never committed a crime in his life. He only did what the government asked him to do.

And it backfired. Like majorly. But it wasn't technically his fault. He wasn't even there when the explosion happened.

Zoey grows remorseful. "Every time I think about that horrible plane crash I get goosebumps." She shudders. "I mean, hundreds died and the only survivor was that man's - Miles Storm's, very own son." She leans back. "Coincidence, I think not."

Zack places his elbows on the table, raising an eyebrow at his sister. "You're being very one sided about this."

Zoey huffs. "Well yeah. Hundreds," she makes sure she enunciates on the word hundred, eying her brother. "Died because a Celestial decided to revenge all Celestials by killing the man who created the serum in the first place. And after he killed him, he makes the plane crash, killing everyone on board except Miles's own son." She shakes her head. "So yes. I am being one sided."

"Well," Zack starts off, lowering his voice. "Did you even stop to consider that maybe that thirteen year old son at the time, is now traumatized from that whole disaster?" He goes on, only getting more fueled. "That maybe his son is no different from you or me, and even Heavyn over here. That he has feeling's like us, that he more than likely witnessed his own father's death and lived while hundreds others died." Zack let's a breath out, calming himself.

Zoey suddenly looks like she just watched her favorite pet cat get run over. "Well now that you put it that way, I kinda feel bad about it." She looks down at the table, ashamed.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Zack has been defending a lot of things throughout all our conversations?"

Zoey's eyes seem to zone in on a particular table in the center of the room. "Oh, but on a completely different subject. Who's the new hottie?" She jabs Zack on the side again, getting his attention.

Zack looks over at where Zoey's frantically nodding towards, his right eyebrow going up. "Must be another new student." He takes a drink from his water. "And from the looks of it, I'd say the jocks already claimed him." He distastefully states.

Looks that way to me.

There's a long table set up directly in the middle of the cafeteria. Eight or nine guys wearing matching blue jackets with the letters ERHS printed in bold letters on their backs, sit together around the table. Obviously the football jocks.

What I can only assume are the cheerleaders, also sit around the table with them. Their heavy makeup making them look almost like a barbie to me. A few other guys sit around with them, probably trying to get on their good side.

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