Chapter 18: Found Him

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I pull the extra jacket I have tied around my waist up higher, feeling incredibly naked without my camera hanging on my shoulder. But alas, what I'm planning on doing means I'll need to travel as light as possible. And that means no camera.

Ugh. Kill me now why don't you?

I wrap the jacket I'm currently wearing tighter around my torso as a cool gust of wind hits me, a shiver running up and down my spine.

Yeah, maybe I should've worn my heavier one. Yada, yada, yada.

I glance down at my watch: 10:07 A.M. A whole grand thirty-seven minutes since I left a baffled Mom and a curious Michael standing at the dining room table.

It had taken me less than twenty minutes to throw myself together and come up with a lame excuse, that she obviously didn't buy, for mom about me leaving so abruptly. Though I think she knows it has something to do with what we saw on the news. And her knowing I'm too stubborn and curious for my own good, or for her to stop, she simply let me go.

I'm sixteen now. I can handle myself. Oh yeah, because getting kidnapped a couple weeks ago really proved that Heavyn. Way to go.

I feel a twist of unease in my gut that makes me walk faster, this whole predicament making me feel nauseas.

  What if he's already dead?

I've been keeping tabs on the news using my iphone as I walk, and so far there hasn't been a single sighting of MidKnight. Though something doesn't quite add up.

What was he doing out in broad daylight - the morning?

He's never been seen doing anything except from dusk to dawn. Never in the late morning.

Though then there's the other question: why am I so worried about him in the first place?

He's gone through tough times like this I'm sure. He doesn't need me. Besides why should I help him even if he does save innocents, not including if he's been the one causing trouble?

He may save people, or cause trouble, but that doesn't make up for his attitude outside of being a super. He's a arrogant, selfish, jerk.

I don't know what to think anymore!

All I know is I'm currently walking down a street one or two blocks away from Grand Central Terminal, freezing my butt off and dealing with a growling stomach because I for some reason just had to rush out before finishing my lovely breakfast.

Insert dreamy sigh.

"Darn stupid Celestials and their inability to stay alive." I mutter under my breath as I kick a stone along with each step, head angled to the ground as my eyes scan the surroundings.

He obviously wouldn't be in the middle of a busy street, or anywhere connected with a population above maybe a cat. So.....a alley?

Isn't that where all the hero's go when they get hurt?

I try to make myself look as inconspicuous as possible as a sudden NYPD patrol car drives past me, the woman officer sitting passenger obviously scanning the surrounding much like me.

Alright, think Heavyn. What would you do if you were hurt and you were a possible rouge Celestial that currently has all of Manhattan looking for you?

I'd obviously try to get back to a safe place where I know I can safely change back into my alter ego.

"I hope he gets back to his secret hideout fast."

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