Chapter 8: A Date

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   I sit in mister Niki's classroom, listening as he goes on and on about the perfect way to stencil a face.

   Today is now Monday, September 11th. Two days after I witnessed three people attempt to rob a bank before being thwarted by MidKnight.

  You might be wondering how I exactly managed to get out of there after all the action was over?

   Well, let's just say I snuck out before the cops surrounded the building. Then I oh-so inconspicuously made my way back to the apartment building, rode the elevator to the top and joined the crowd of onlookers.

   Sure Zoey and Zack asked me what took so long. I simply told them the elevator got stuck for a couple minutes and I didn't feel the need to call anyone.

   Sure I got a few strange looks from them, but it was the perfect cover story none the least....

  "Alright, I've got an assignment I expect to be done by Wednesday morning." Mr. Niki instructs, a sound of protest following right after. "That's two days from now for those of you who can't count."

   He individually points at everyone in class, giving everyone either a one or a two.

   I get a one, Zoey getting a two.

  "If you got a number two," He gives a dry stare back at a couple students who let a laugh slip out. "Hold it together boys." He demands, continuing on. "Then look to your right. If you got a one, look to your left. The person you look at, is your partner for the rest of this semester." 

  Zoey deflates, obviously upset she won't be getting me as a partner. I grimace. Which means - I look to my left, Dravins' bored posture meeting my gaze.

   I'm stuck with him. For a whole semester.

  I lean my head back, wondering why the universe hates me so much. "Your assignment it to draw each other's face. And I don't mean a cartoon drawing." He stares specifically over at someone in the back. "I want real life details here." He continues, flipping through another newspaper. "If you and your partner can't schedule a get together to complete this assignment before Wednesday, let me know and I'll see what I can do." He dismisses with.

  The bell rings, everyone immediately gathering up their stuff while they happily jabber on about when they're meeting up to do the assignment.

  This is just peachy. Real peachy.

  I look back to my left, knowing I might as well get this over with. "So, when are we doing this?" I question him, placing my stuff back in my backpack.

   He stands up, quickly glancing over at me. "How about never." He rudely states, brushing by me as he heads out the door.

   My eye twitches as I stare after him, anger surely turning my cheeks red.

  Okay. That's it. No more doing things the nice way. I refuse to do anymore assignments by myself.

   I sling my backpack up over my shoulder, waving bye to Zoey who's busy talking to her partner about arrangements.

  Lucky her.

She gives me a quick wave, a sympathetic smile on her lips.

Alright Mr. Grump. Where'd you go?

My eyes land on his retreating back just up the hall, my feet moving faster in a attempt to catch him without actually running.

  I come up behind him. "Hey, we didn't make a plan for when we're meeting up to do this assignment." I remind him, keeping my voice light.
   He looks back at me, annoyance right on the corner of his face. "Yeah, because we're not." He deadpans, still walking.

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