ii. september fifth

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For the next few days, Johnny would wave at Imogen, she would wave back and no conversation between the two took place. On the fourth day, however; Imogen was sitting on the porch doodling when she saw a woman chasing Johnny out of the house. Imogen watched in horror as she hit him and then went back inside. He caught her eye and quickly looked away.

Imogen grabbed her notebook and stood up quickly. She rushes after him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and quickly turned around. Imogen holds up a finger, telling him to wait as she opens her notebook to a clean page.

Are you okay?

She passed him her book and he reads it slowly. She waits patiently for him to respond. He nods his head instead of writing. Imogen takes hold of her book.

Are you sure?

She passes it back to him and he nods again. Imogen sighs and takes the book again. Letting her curiosity get the best of her she writes again.

Does she usually harm you?

Imogen rocks back and forth on her heels as she waits for him to read it. He looked confused as he read it and handed it back. Imogen frowned as he walked away from her. Imogen chased after him. She places a hand on his shoulder again and he turns quickly, his fists raised. Imogen jumps away. The boy begins talking to quickly for Imogen to keep
up. He stops halfway and stares at her. She looks up from where she was trying to read his lips.

Imogen offers him her notebook but he doesn't take it. He continues to stare. Imogen shuffles her feet awkwardly as she waits for him to take the notebook. Imogen doesn't realize he was talking until he tapped her shoulder. She pushed the notebook and pen into his hands. She imitated opening the book and writing. He does.

I'm sorry for almost hitting you. you scared me.

Imogen stares at the paper as he passes it back. His handwriting was messy and she could barely read it.

It's okay. I'm sorry for asking about your mom.

Imogen hands him the notebook. He nods and begins talking again. Imogen pushes her notebook towards him again. She taps her ears this time, but he still looks confused.

My name is Imogen. She writes for him.

Johnny. He writes and Imogen smiles, and in her head she begins repeating the name of the boy she's been writing about. She looks up at him to see him smiling back at her. Just begins talking again, apparently not understanding that she can't understand him. Of course, she can read lips, just not when the person talking is mumbling or going to fast.

Imogen waves her hands around, trying to get him to stop. Johnny stops and watches her confusedly as she scribbles once more in her notebook.

I'm deaf, she tells him bluntly. He stares up at her with wide eyes and she shrugs. Johnny grabs her pen and notebook and apologizes. She shrugs him off, telling him it was okay and how did you not notice?

Johnny smiled, waved goodbye and began walking away again. Imogen smiles after him before turning on her heel and heading home.

September 5, 1965
His name is Johnny.

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