xi. october thirteenth

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They were sat at Dairy Queen: just Johnny and Imogen. Imogen was slowly eating an ice cream sundae as Johnny ate a sandwich and fries. The Dairy Queen wasn't very crowded, that Imogen was thankful for.

She swatted Johnny's hand away when he reached to take a small spoonful of Imogen's ice cream.

Johnny laughs and takes a bite of the ice cream anyways, Imogen rolls her eyes.

My ice cream, She writes. Should've got your own.

Johnny rolls his eyes this time, I didn't want any then.

Imogen smiles and places the sundae in the middle of the table for them to share. Johnny grabs his own spoon and takes another bite. When the ice cream is gone and both are satisfied they pay for the meal and leave.

Imogen buttons up the large jean jacket over herself to block out the wind. Johnny slowly takes her hand and she blushes. They walk back home hand in hand.

Johnny walks her to the front door and squeezes her hand, letting go. She waves and watches him walk across the street to his own house. Johnny pauses in front of his door and Imogen sees him flinch before turning and walking away from his house.

Imogen frowns and follows him, making sure he gets somewhere safe. Besides, it isn't dark out yet. Imogen sees him sit in an empty lot and cradle his head in his hands. He rocks back and forth and Imogen frowns. She quickly rushes towards him and crouches in front of him.

He looks up at her, eyes wide and afraid. Imogen sees tears running down his face and quickly holds him. She taps a rhythm on his back as he cries.

"I'm sorry," Johnny signs when he pulls away. He wipes his eyes and nose and the sleeve of his shirt.

"It's okay," Imogen tells him. She shrugs off the jean jacket and passes it back to him. Johnny thanks her and pulls it on. "What's wrong?"

Johnny shakes his head.

Imogen moves to sit beside him and wraps her arms around his small frame. She looks up to see Johnny smiling.

She woke up first to the sound of cars passing and birds squawking. Imogen sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking around the vacant lot. Johnny was asleep beside her, jean jacket halfway under his head. She quickly shook the boy beside her.

He slowly began to wake. He looked at her through half open eyes and barely smiled. "Morning," He grumbles.

Imogen laughs, "Morning, sleepy," She signs.

Johnny stretches and Imogen quickly looks away when his shirt rides up. She fixes her own skirt that had come up in the night. Johnny stands and extends a hand towards her. She takes it and rises also.

"We should get home," He says slowly.

Imogen nods, not letting go of his hand as they walk home.

The front door opens before Imogen has time to knock.

"Where have you been?" Her mother signs quickly, her anger evident on her face. "Dad and I were about to call the cops!"

"I fell asleep at the lot," Imogen replies.

Mrs. Anson notices Johnny awkwardly standing beside her. "I see..." The woman signs and turns to Johnny. Imogen feels her face burn a bright red, "Sleep well, Johnny?"

"Uh...yes ma'am," Johnny says, "I should get...home."

He slowly backs up and bolts down the porch. Imogen rolls her eyes and watches as he crosses the street.

"Come on," Her mother says and pulls her inside.

"We didn't do anything," Imogen signs, "Just fell asleep. He was upset, I had to comfort him."

Her mother just stares at her.


"It's okay, just tell us next time."

Imogen nods and sits at the table.

October 13th 1965
We fell asleep at the lot.

these chapters are super short & i apologize.

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