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The ring looks good on my finger. There's no doubt about it. It just feels like it was meant to be. I hold my hand out in front of me and examine the ring for probably the 56th time today. I like the white see-through gemstone particularly because it goes well with any outfit. Priorities.

I spin around on the counter stool. Mr Nirbnwad gave me a new assignment the day he left, we haven't tried this before. That morning when I walked in he handed me a notebook and explained excitedly, like he had just invented the worlds greatest idea. It was one of those moments when I realized just how old-fashioned this shop truly is. Basically, he wants me to write down all the categories of the items we sell. Rings, necklaces, books, gemstones, etc. When we sell 10 items in 1 category, it's time to restock. That's it. He just wants me to restock consistently. The worlds greatest idea, truly.

I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the shop, so when I hear the sound of a book hitting the glass counter I come back to my senses. I stumble off the stool almost immediately and am met with a tall wide man. I want to tell him off for dropping a heavy book on a glass counter so recklessly, but he doesn't look very happy, so I'll let it slide. On top of the book there's a ring and a little bag of dandelions. I avoid eye contact with this man. I know I shouldn't judge based on appearances, but he looks like a biker. And the bikers in this city aren't exactly known to be very friendly. I quickly push the buttons on the cash register.

"That'll be.. uh... $23 please." I say. "What was that? If you want me to pay, speak up." he says. His sudden aggression startles me a little. Who does he think he is? I'm not the type of person to speak my mind, but this time, it slips. "No ones forcing you to buy these items. You might as well go pluck your own dandelions in the park." I clench my jaws. He freezes, looks at me and slowly raises an eyebrow. He probably didn't expect me to talk back. This is awkward. What if he wants to fight me? I took a few taekwondo classes when I was 5 but I doubt any of that will help me if push comes to shove.

I already acted tough, might as well keep it up. "I said," I continue. "That'll be $23 dollars. Please." I expect him to yell at me, or at least get mad, but instead, he grabs his wallet. He takes out a few bills and puts them on the counter. I hesitate for a moment, but I grab the money and put it in the cash register. I take out some change and hand it to him. From underneath the counter, I grab a plastic bag. I put his items inside one by one. My eyes slowly move up to his face. Finally, I make eye contact with him. I can't read him. He's not smiling, but he doesn't look mad either. He grabs the bag and instead of saying 'bye', he nods his head at me once. I guess that's how bikers say bye? "Thank you?" I say somewhat confused as he walks out. "Goodbye." The door closes behind him. At least we sold something. Oh, right. The list. I draw a strike behind 'Books', 'Plants' and... strike 5. There's a total of 10 strikes behind 'Rings' now. Restocking time.

Mr Nirbnwad usually restocks the items himself, so I haven't been in the storage room often. It's kind of exciting. I unlock the door. I flick the light switch and I see boxes. A lot of boxes. I don't know which boxes to look in. I'll just have to search. I walk in and close the door behind me. I'll start with the boxes closest to me. I'll avoid the big ones, because I assume I wouldn't find any rings in there. I carefully open the box next to me. Books. I suppose there will be quite a few of these. The next 6 boxes are all full of books, but the 7th one, finally, is full of rings. Well, that wasn't too hard. So then I'll just... Grab 10 rings?

I place the rings in the glass display by the window and lock it. There aren't any costumers and it's already starting to get dark outside, which is my cue to close the shop. As if the weather somehow heard my thoughts, it starts to rain. Really hard. Great. I walk back to the counter to grab my stuff, and someone walks in. I turn around. "Sorry, we're-" I look at the guy who's standing still in front of the door. It's the same guy who bought a book without saying a word, and didn't accept his change. "...Closed." He doesn't even turn his head to look at me, but to my surprise, he speaks.

"You should leave this building, now." He says. His voice isn't what I expected it to be. For his tough appearance, his voice is pretty... soothing? Deep, but soothing. I scratch the back of my neck. "Are you here... to rob me... or?" I laugh awkwardly, trying to ignore the nervous feeling developing in my stomach. "Please." He says. There's a serious tone in his voice. "Uh, yeah. Alright." I grab my bag from behind the counter. "Shit." he mumbles. I hear footsteps approaching and before I know it, I'm being dragged into the storage room with a hand covering my mouth.

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