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It's been a long time since I've had a breakfast that doesn't come out of a tin. Tins of soup, hotdogs, beans. After a while it all tastes the same. But I don't eat them for the taste. I eat them, because tins are easier to steal. That's how I survive. Thankfully, today wasn't like that. Because of her.

After my short bathroom break, I make my way back to the table. When I see her, I automatically stop walking. She's looking around in deep thought, her doe-like eyes gleaming in the faint sunlight. How long will I be able to keep up my 'tough' act, when everything she does makes me feel weak in the knees? Why do I feel this way? It's pathetic. I'm pathetic. She's everything but that. Aria had a thing for strawberry cupcakes. I look around, but there's no one. Just the employees, the customers by the counter and her. I miss her. It's her voice. Definitely her voice. But she's not talking. She stares at the busy street behind the big glass, and rests her chin on the palm of her hand.

Even though we're in the same city, it feels like we're worlds apart. She sighs. My heart aches at the sad sight of it. My messy life is what's keeping her from seeing her beloved ones, and she misses them dearly. I can... hear her thoughts. I feel homesick in my own home. That's it. I can't let her feel this way. My legs start moving by themselves. When I reach the table, I extend my hand. "We should enjoy the weather while it lasts." She looks up at me with those beautiful doe eyes, and grabs onto my hand.

She gently swings our arms as we walk, a constant reminder of how lucky I am to hold her hand. It's unlike me to make such a move, but I couldn't hold myself back. Not with her. I look at her through the tinted glass. Her hair looks silky. I wonder if it's soft. I quickly look away again. Keep yourself together, pal. You need to be strong. That cute shirt? On sale? I look in the same direction as her, and notice a display window with a bright yellow 'Sale' sign. With my free hand, I dig into my pocket. My last bills, and a few coins. I don't mind spending it all on her. "If you want something from there..." I suggest. "No no no, it's fine, really." She replies quickly, trying to pull me along. I pull her back with ease. "See it as a thank you, for saving me." I insist. She sighs, and looks at me. "You've saved me a lot more. Trust me, if that weren't the case, I'd probably take up the offer." She gives my hand a squeeze, and pulls me along. "Let's go."


She promised. She even looked right into my eyes while saying it. Must be sincere, right? If anything happens to her, I won't be able to live with myself. She better live up to that promise. There's a heavy silence between us as we make our way back. Behind the shops, there are many abandoned buildings. Some of which are being destroyed, others which are being rebuilt. I can't immediately tell what the biggest one was for, but the torn poster on one of the concrete walls gives it away. Car Particle Factory. In the middle of town? The poster suddenly blurs, and so does everything else around me. I grab onto her shoulder so I don't fall.

Going a little off track, are we? A voice hisses into my mind. Is it... Yesss, it'sss me. That son of a bitch. I want nothing more than to bring an end to his miserable life with my bare h- Wow wow, ouch. Don't go hurting my feelingsss now, little Ken. Is that... four sssstrikes I sssee? Making progresssss. I hear her voice calling for me, but it feels distant compared to the disgusting voice invading my mind. Ah, the poor girl... tell her I sssaid hi. While ssshe's ssstill around. I feel anger boil inside of me. If you don't complete those ssstrikes sssoon... I'll have to take matters into my own handsss. Perhapsss she'll want to live happily ever after with you... in the shadower world? "No..." I utter, feeling my heart ache just at the thought of her becoming a shadower. Then, how about she doesssn't live at all? Doesss that sssound better? His laugh fills my mind with pure horror, and I shake my head, tugging at my hair. Meet me at the particle factory tonight. Bring an end to thisss. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to push him out of my mind. It's helpless.

If you don't show up, the girl diesss.

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