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Boom boom. I can feel myself slowly waking up from a deep sleep. Boom boom. Fingertips run along my back gently as my eyes flutter open. Boom boom. I realize I'm in a bed, using someones toned chest as a pillow. When I lift my head, I'm instantly met with Ken's sleepy smile. "Good morning." He says dreamily, now running his fingertips along my arm. I can't help but smile. This just seems too good to be true. He looks extremely handsome in this... sunlight? I look around, and realize we're not in his basement. Boom boom. There are big windows, and sunlight creeps through the silk curtains like a spotlight. That's when I notice we're in a huge bed, rose petals scattered all over the sheets. What? I turn my head to look back at Ken, and when I do, I let out a terrified scream. His eyes are completely black, and there's blood running down his neck, staining the white pillow sheets. Boom boom. "It'sss too late." he hisses, blood dripping down the corners of his mouth.

I let out a loud scream, flailing my arms as I sit up. Boom boom. I blink a couple of times to make sure I am in the basement. Several drops of sweat run down my forehead as I observe my surroundings. Boom boom. Ken is nowhere to be seen. Boom boom. "Ken?" I call. A cold breeze blows over my skin and I shiver, wrapping the sheet around me as I get up. The door is open. Wide open. Boom boom. It's dark outside, and the wind is pushing the door against the wall continuously. I climb up the stairs carefully, not sure what to think of the situation. Boom boom. I give the door a firm push and it clicks shut. "Ken?" I call again, squeezing the sheet tightly as I walk down the stairs. This situation is making me scared. No trace whatsoever of Ken, in the middle of the night. His sunglasses are on the table. Something is very wrong. Where could he have gone, with only one strike left to spare? I run a hand through my hair, and something illuminates the room as I do. A red glow.

Slowly extending my arm in front of me, I bite down on my lip. The gemstone on my ring is glowing. It's not a very strong glow, but it's strong enough to see everything within two meters of me. And it's red. What does it mean? As I move my hand around the basement, a reflection of something even brighter grabs my attention. Amidst all the books on the bookshelf, one book stands out. The red glow of my ring reveals hidden writing on the cover of the big book about the curse. A cover which was once empty, now has a title. Read me.

I grab it immediately, and sit down on the bed with the covers wrapped around me tightly. If this really is the way to help him, I will do everything in my power to make it come true. When I open it, the pages seem pretty normal. Nothing unusual about them, until I reach the final pages of the book. They're all blank. I give an audible gulp. With slight certainty, I move the ring to the pages. In the glow, a handwritten letter becomes visible. I feel the hairs on my arms stand up as I start to read.

If you're reading this, it's time.

I'm sure you have many questions, but right now what's important is that you do what is needed.

Save your soulmate.

I stare at the page blankly.


Fight darkness with your true colors. Do what you must before it's too late.

Find them. Think as one.

"...True colors?" I mumble, unable to process everything properly. I hover my ring over the next pages, but they are all empty, even in the glow. Think as one? Soulmate?! I can't waste any more time. I drop the book on the bed and pick up my clothes from the floor. As I put everything on, I sink deeply into my own thoughts. Find them. How can I do it? Think as one. All of a sudden a thought occurs to me. Ken and I have been able to find each other in times of danger, but up until now we haven't been able to control it. The visions.

It doesn't hurt to try. I take a deep breath and let my eyes slip shut. I try to visualize Ken's face, and remember the tone of his voice. "Where are you...?" I ask myself, and Ken. Nothing. "Ken..." My voice trembles as I repeat his name, my confidence slowly fading. "Ken please. Where are you?" If this doesn't work, I don't know what else will.

"Ke-" My environment starts to shift into something darker. I think harder. My surroundings finally become clear. I'm in an abandoned factory building. My concentration almost breaks as I see the person -or thing- standing before me. It appears you got my message. It growls, it's eyes black as night. If I go through with this, she will live a normal life. That is my only demand. Ken's voice brings tears to my closed eyes. I squeeze my hands into fists to remain concentrated. The girl will live. In return for your soul. I notice black smoke coming out of it's pale skin, and that's when it hits me. It's a shadower. Ken is completing the curse. And judging by the threat, he's doing it to save my life. My vision starts to blur. "No..." I mutter. Let's get it over with. Bring out- I open my eyes.

Here I am, back in the basement.

 "No!" I yell in frustration, hitting the wall as a few tears roll down my cheeks. I'm about to lose him, and it's my fault. I dry my eyes. Stop sulking. Think. His surroundings... an empty factory.

It hits me. It's near the river. Before I know it, I run up the stairs, into the cold night.  

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