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I'm running. It's not a friendly little jog, I'm trying to outrun something. I look back, but there's nothing to be seen. Just darkness. The rain isn't helping either. I jump over fallen tree branches and avoid tree trunks. Without even seeing it, I know it's starting to catch up on me. The thing I'm running away from is my biggest fear. The one thing in my life I try to avoid at all costs. My pace fastens. If this catches up to me, it will be game over. I will die. My hand moves to my neck, and when I pull it down I see blood. It drips off my fingers as I run. This is making me slow down. I turn my head to look back. There's nothing. Looking back wasn't a smart choice because I don't see the fallen tree trunk ahead of me, and I trip over it.

With a loud thud I fall onto the dirt, feeling more helpless than ever. I can't move, as much as I want to, I just can't. I'm paralyzed. So I lay there, looking at the sky above, waiting for it to come get me. I slowly raise my hand to the sky, to feel the raindrops one last time. But my hands... they aren't my hands. They are way bigger, and way more masculine. I notice a ring. The ring has a tiny black gemstone on it, but even in the dark, I can tell there's a red glow coming from inside. The sky behind my hand disappears. A cloud of pitch black fog hovers over my body. This is it. I call out a name before it engulfs me, but I don't remember what it is, because the sound of a ringing phone wakes me up.

I jump up, feeling sweat drip down my forehead. I stare at the torn wallpaper in front of me as I try to catch my breath. Next to me, on the bedside table, a phone rings continuously. I remember where I am. The motel. I also remember last night, and nausea develops in the pit of my stomach. That probably explains the nightmare, it's just the aftermath from what happened yesterday. I'm still in shock. A ray of sunlight creeps through the old curtains. What time is it? The phone rings again. I reach out and grab the horn, holding it against my ear. "Hello...?" I say with a sore voice. "Good morning miss Silver. Please come to the reception, you have a guest waiting for you."

With a tired sigh, I push open the stairway door. Whoever this guest might be, I hope they won't be too disappointed when they see the way I look. I had time to take a shower, but other than that, I look a complete mess. I'm about to greet the receptionist, when I see him through the window. He's standing outside the building, with his back facing my way. Of course it's him. Who else would ask for Riley Silver, a name that was obviously made up. "Goodbye, and thank you." I say to the receptionist, who looks at me, but doesn't reply. Instead she goes back to typing on her keyboard. Eh. If I worked at this place I'd probably feel the same way.

I step out of the building, but Ken doesn't seem to hear me. I clear my throat so he'll notice me. "Did you get a cold or something?" he asks coldly while kicking a little pebble. Oh. So he knows I'm here. Then why doesn't he at least look at me? I scoff. "I wouldn't be surprised since you made me walk 3 miles in the pouring rain last night." He doesn't even glance my way. He just keeps staring at his shoes. "It was for the best." He lifts his head and looks at the buildings on the other side of the road. He grabs a pair of sunglasses from inside his coat and puts them on. "You need new clothes." "I'll just go home then, I have plenty of cute clothes in my closet. See you l-" His strong hand grips my wrist tightly.

I look at him, my eyes slightly widening in confusion. I free my wrist from his hand quickly, and rub the burning area. "You- Who gave you the right to be so rough?" I ask, looking at the light red mark on my skin. He dares. "You can't go home." He says seriously. Something in his voice tells me he's genuinely concerned, but I can't ignore the suspicion I feel. "Why should I trust you? I barely even know you." I say, subconsciously examining the right side of his facial features. The corner of his mouth curls into a small smirk. "Didn't I save your life last night? I could've just let you die there."

I have so many questions, but I give him the benefit of the doubt. What else am I to do at this very moment? "Let's go before I change my mind."

Ruby Redحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن