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"Find it, bring it to me tomorrow, or you're dead." A voice says. "I'll find it sir." A loud thud against the wall behind me. "You have been saying that for the past week. Find me that goddamn ring, I don't care if you have to kill for it." I step closer to the edge of the wall, to listen to the ongoing dialogue more clearly. "S-sir." The man can't speak clearly as he is being held up by his neck. "I-I will fi-find it." He stutters, trying to gasp for air. I hear him drop to the floor. "There is a shop down Silverway street. Go there tonight and kill whoever's there if you must. Find the ring if you want to live another day."

The shop. I've been there before. It's the most reliable source for books. If something were to happen to that shop, I wouldn't be able to live my life normally. Everything I know and have learned about my curse is because of those books. I'll risk exposure this way, but I don't care. I won't let an innocent person die, and I certainly won't let anyone get in the way of my knowledge. I can be there before this guy can.

I jog into Silverway street. In the distance, I notice the only lit up window. It's the shop. As I come closer, I notice a person inside. It's the girl. She's putting something in the window display. She walks back in. Why is the shop still open? It's night, it's raining and it's quiet outside. What fool would waste their time in an antique shop?

I cross the road, and walk straight to the entrance. If convincing her doesn't work, I might have to use a bit of force. Eye contact is impossible, after all. I grab the door handle and push it open. I look down at my feet. Rainwater drips from my hair, onto the old rug. "Sorry we're closed." She says. "You should leave this building, now." I say, hoping I sound strict enough. If she doesn't listen to me, she will die tonight. "Are you here... to rob me... or?" She asks. I can tell she's confused. I don't blame her. "Please." I say. I'm almost begging her to leave, which is unusual because I don't know her and I never beg. She mumbles a few inaudible words, but another sound catches my attention. I hear tires screech outside. They're already here. "Shit."

Instinctively, I walk up to her and grab her arm. I pull her toward me and cover her mouth with my hand so she doesn't make any noise. There's a door to what seems like another room, hopefully somewhere we can hide. I flick the light switches before I pull her in, and we're instantly surrounded by complete darkness. I pull her down to the floor behind a pile of boxes. She doesn't even hesitate.

Glass breaks. People yell at each other. She gasps against my hand. What will I do if they find us? It's not like I can just kill them. I already have three strikes. Getting a fifth would mean the end for me. Someone kicks the door open. Torch light flickers around the room. The girl next to me is shaking, and breathing heavily through her nose. Her breathing fastens against my hand. I open my coat. With my free arm I lift the coat and cover her with it.

Boxes are being thrown around, torn apart and kicked. So far I've identified 3 voices. 3 people. That would mean six strikes. The girl lets out a quiet sob against my hand. I doubt she will make any noise, let alone scream. I carefully remove my hand from her mouth so she can catch her breath properly. She covers her ears, and buries her face in my shoulder. Something feels unusual. It's not that I've never been close to a girl, but more so that I've never really felt anything whenever it happened.

But now I do. It's the unusual feeling of my heartbeat fastening.

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