Chapter 5

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 "Are you sure this is what you want, Honeykit?" Pebblestep questioned, her eyes curious.

"Yes, of course!' Honeykit mewed. "I loved helping you out during the battle, I want to help the cats of my Clan."

"This may not mean a lot now, but medicine cats are forbidden to have a mate or kits. Your duty is to your Clan." Pepplestep explained.

"I understand." Honeykit dipped her head, she really didn't care that she couldn't have kits, she just wanted to be a medicine cat.

Pebblestep's eyes glowed softly. "Very well, I'll be glad to have you as my apprentice." She purred. "Your ceremony is here soon, why don't you go join your brother and I'll tell Dawnstar." Honeykit nodded and bounded out of the medicine cat den, excitement rushing through her body. She was going to be a medicine cat! This is all she wanted, she would be able to learn every herb in the forest and help her Clanmates. She was so excited to get started as an apprentice, and so eager to learn.

Outside the nursery, Falconkit sat talking with Sedgekit, Petalkit and Dovekit, his eyes sparkling. Falconkit had kept his promise to their parents and behaved so he could become an apprentice. Honeykit still felt that her brother didn't like her very much, she wasn't sure what she did but they didn't play together anymore, it made Honeykit sad to think about. Falconkit didn't seem like playing in general, he talked about how he was too old for playing now. Honeykit didn't remember when he got so strict.

Honeykit shook away her thoughts and approached the group of kits, Petalkit was the first to greet her. "Hey, Honeykit! Did you get accepted as a medicine cat apprentice?"

Honeykit held her head high, trying to focus on how happy being a medicine cat would make her. "Yep! I'm going to be Pebblestep's apprentice."

"That's so cool!" Dovekit purred. "You'll be able to help us warriors when we get hurt in battle!"

Honeykit felt a warmth in her heart, but that warmth turned frozen when she realized that her brother wasn't looking at her, he didn't look happy for her, he didn't look happy at all. Honeykit's ears flattened.

"Looks like the meeting is about that start!" Sedgekit pointed out. Honeykit turned and saw Dawnstar exiting her den and climbing the SunTree.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting." Her call rang out through the camp, Honeykit's excitement returned and she stood by her brother's side as they walked to the SunTree.

Rustpelt and Sandfoot left the elders den, walking side by side as theys at down. Lionclaw sat close to the tree and Cinderflame took her spot on the deputy's branch. Turtleblaze sat beside Fawnheart, Earthpaw and Mudpaw as they all began to listen in. Icepteal and Squirreltail struggled to keep their kits in the nursery and Goldenleaf went to her mate, Redclaw, she was certainly going to have kits any day now.

"Today is a proud day for SunClan, and for me in particular, as my kits have finally reached the age of six moons and are ready for their apprentice names." Honeykit and Falconkit sat in the center of the Clan, Honeykit felt a bit intimidated by the eyes that were focused so intently on her, but she kept her gaze on her mother. "Falconkit, step forward." Falconkit took a step forward. "From this day forward, until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Falconpaw." Falconpaw stood tall and proud, Honeykit knew that he was excited to become an apprentice, even if he didn't show it. "I have chosen Cherryleaf as your mentor," Cherryleaf stepped forward, her eyes sparkling. "I would normally be against kin teaching an apprentice but I believe that Cherryleaf will be the best fit to teach you properly, the ways of the warrior."

Cherryleaf faced Falconpaw, the two of them touched noses and Falconpaw went to sit with the crowd. "Honeykit has chosen a different path, she has decided to become the next medicine cat apprentice." Honeykit's pelt grew warm as she heard voices behind her her. "Honeykit, from this day forward until you earn your true medicine cat name, you will be known as Honeypaw." She turned towards Pebblestep. "Pebblestep, you were taught by Poppyfur and I know that you will pass on all of the wisdom and teaches of a medicine cat to Honeypaw."

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