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"If I'm going to be completely honest, I don't really know why I left. I told myself it was because of the fact that I was bored of the town. I mostly think I left because I found more opportunity out in the city.

The more opportunity and success I found, the more I thought about me and Kyungsoos lives together. Some times when I was sitting in my apartment alone, I thought about how he was. If he was smiling, how that damn coffee shop was running, sometimes, if he even missed me.

It took me two whole years to realize how much of a dumbass I was. I left Kyungsoo, who so willingly gave me everything. I couldn't even stay with him in return.

It took me two years to build up courage to come back here. I avoided coming back because I think I was always scared. I always thought Kyungsoo was better off without me when I was doubting myself. I doubted myself a lot.

Sometimes the mere thought of coming back here made me feel sick to my stomach. Of course I missed my family, and Kyungsoo. Gosh, Kyungsoo was a whole other story. He was my motivation, yet when I thought about coming here, I was scared he somehow fell out of love.

I heard the stories. People lined the streets everywhere staring longingly at the happy families.

One time I was at a bar with my friend and we saw a women crying so we went to comfort her. When we asked what was wrong, all she said was 'Love isn't as great as I thought.' That was all it took for me to open my eyes and realize so many people just randomly fall out of love.

I feared to the death of me that Kyungsoo was one of those people. So instead of manning up and coming here, I stayed back and probably lost the only person who returned everything I gave away.

I'm so stupid."

The deep voiced male groaned and put his face in his hands. His eyes slightly burned as tears welled up. No matter how much he wanted to hold everything back, his emotions burst away. One after another, tears fell shamefully.

A sniff turned to a whimper. A whimper turned to a cry. A cry turned to a sob, and slowly the sob turned into a break down in which Chanyeol allowed his emotions to seep through.

The blank tv in the corner created white noise, darkening the atmosphere. It would jump in and out of different drama reruns that played late at night. It couldn't catch a clear signal, therefore only random words could be picked up here and there.

That was the only distraction Chanyeol had from the sadness and guilt that filled his chest.

"Hey, Yeol don't worry about it. I'm sure Kyungsoo still loves you. The way you talk about him it's a obvious you still love him." Minseok tried to calm his nerves. Though the connection he had with Chanyeol wasn't extremely strong, he still knew Chanyeol needed comforting.

"Wow," Chanyeol chuckled, feeling embarrassed for letting all that out. "That was a lot. I'm tired now. Good night guys see you tomorrow." He shooed them out and hugged them both, his large frame almost suffocating both the smaller males.

After Chanyeol shut the door he went to take a warm shower. The water relaxed his tense muscles. The aches and pains he felt from being locked in a car for to long slowly faded away as he scrubbed his scalp.

He massaged away all his troubles temporarily and instead focused on getting sleep. The warm pajamas he loosely placed on his body kept his body heat trapped around him, giving him a feeling of sleepiness.

Meanwhile, four figures sat in the next room chatting up a storm.

"So Chanyeol has no idea how fucked up Kyungsoo became?" Kris asked, receiving a smack in the arm from Junmyeon. "Sorry, sorry. I meant how messed his emotions have been."

"I guess he doesn't considering he came here instead of seeing Kyungsoo first." Minseok states, while Jongdae sips his tea, mumbling words of agreement.

"I have an idea! Isn't Chanyeols birthday in two months?" Junmyeon asks pointing his fingers while snapping. When Minseok nods he continues. "We can throw him a birthday party at Kyungsoos cafe!"

"That's perfect! We can say you two came over last night to visit us and you just happened to run into us." Minseok exclaims.

"I sure hope so," Junmyeon and Jongdae mumble under their breaths in unison.

I am Jongdae in any serious situation whoops xD

Word Count: 782 words

-I'm Out-
-Lexi x

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