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With Kyungsoo

All the pain he felt inside burst like a dam overflowing. The feelings he'd thought would stay hidden away deep inside only caused his determination to get rid of all of it to deepen.

Slowly pushing himself into the bathroom he ran shaky fingers through his hair. He gripped his phone, knowing texting was a shitty way to explain what he was doing, but it was he could do. There was still that crumb of his mind whispering save me! Hope that was being held by a strand.

Soo <3:
Hey Yeol. I know it's been a long time and we just saw each other again. Hell, you're probably so confused about what happened. Thanks for giving me space by the way. It sucks that I'm ready to leave after you saw me. I'm sorry about that. I don't why it just hurts me so much inside, seeing you again and all. I was so excited and waiting for you to come back. I'm just so fucking scared of living anymore. The thought that you could leave, or anyone at that, could just go away, terrifies me. Thanks for loving me, and thanks for all the memories, even though some weren't so great. I'll say I love you one last time and go now. I love you
-Your Soo, don't forget me please

That hope was pushing him away from the knife that was just an arms length away from him. He never how much an empty mind would affect him. Instead of the distracting buzz of overflowing voices, he was left alone with his thoughts.

Although they served no positive purpose, without the voices he overthought everything. He wasn't safe alone, especially with thoughts of his own. If his mind was a weapon it'd be the most lethal thing a person could find.

The voices weren't corruptions, rather small obstacles keeping him away from the thoughts of torment and ultimately death. With no head, they had no where to go. He subconsciously distracted himself, with the thoughts, though once he realized it, he snatched the razor away. It cut at the skin on is fingers, yet he discarded. He had much worse things in mind than just his fingers.

He started lightly, just slowly running the blade over his wrist. Soon he progressively deepened his cuts, allowing the crimson to seep through, not wiping at it like usual. He looked for veins but he had blurry vision causing the razor to slip left and right, cutting deeper and deeper each time. He cut so deep, the blood running down his arm was unable to identify where it came from. It all ran downward.

His vision went completely black and he smiled. I'm free, he thought. Before his consciousness finally drown away, a sound of his door bursting open and heavy footsteps echoed in his silent apartment. If he could have one dying wish, it would him wishing it wasn't Chanyeol that found him. The position he was in, the horrific sight he must be.

Boy had he'd hoped it wasn't Chanyeol.



Sup yall?



Word Count: 531 Words

-I'm Out-

-Lexi x

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