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Seclusion and darkness. That was all Kyungsoo knew. Instead of always being out and trying to look for someone else, he preferred staying locked away inside.

If he went anywhere other than his dark apartment, people would realize how broken he was. They'd realize he was just the shell of a happy person, full of demons and monsters inside.

The only other place he would allow himself to venture to is the café. It held the same safe and cozy atmosphere he needed. It was there he could allow himself around people, just not directly. though he didn't show his face so often, regulars knew exactly who he was.

Despite his bitter attitude, and low spirits, just his appearance lightened up the mood in the small side street café. Just the sight of his small figure and disheveled appearance made customers feel more comfortable. Even when he spent the day in the back, occasionally snacking on coffee cakes and filing papers, costumers were relieved he was alive and breathing, moving around.

To live in such a small town was something Kyungsoo despised. There was times random civilians felt the need to see to his health. He was thankful, yes, but felt like his personal boundaries were being pushed.

Maybe that's why Chanyeol left?  He said to himself. The thought of someone constantly in his business would've drove him out too.

"Hey, Baek? Let me barista today." He said, false confidence leaking from every word. When Baekhyuns widened his eyes and immediately handed over his apron, Kyungsoo said, "Go ahead, take a break. Only twenty minutes, though."

The first five minutes ran smoothly. Customers were glad to finally see Kyungsoo out in the main area and not cooped up in the small stuffy back room. Some even sparked some small talk. It was nothing personal just "How are sales?"  in which he'd respond the same thing. "Sales are amazing, thanks to amazing customers like you," with a fake smile to top it off. So sweet to where the words felt bitter on his tongue.

Another often asked asked question was, "Are you hiring?" Usually Kyungsoo was welcome to the idea of new staff, so his instant response would be, "If you fit the requirements, then you're welcome to fill out an application." Another  forced smile. This one was smaller, the first felt like too much work.

He continued like that until there was fifteen minutes remaining. The short shift ran so smoothly that he felt being a barista once and a while wouldn't be such a bad thing. That was until a family of four walked in.

One was a tall male carrying a toddler on his hip, and the smaller girl holding the hand of another toddler. They were obviously related considering the small faces held perfect resemblance to both. They also were from out of town considering none of them looked familiar.

"Hello, I'm Kyungsoo. How may I help you?" He said sweetly.

"Hello, I'm Mina, this is my brother Minjun. These small rugrats are who we're babysitting. Um, can we get 4 coffee cakes, two small hot chocolates, one cappuccino, and one mocha with extra whipped cream?" Mina answered, pulling out her money in order to confirm her order. She spoke sweetly with Kyungsoo making him almost smile. Almost.

"Of course. It will be ready in five." He answered shortly. Minjun stared at him suspiciously but then followed his sister to a table.

After Kyungsoo finished adding all the cream to the mocha, he loaded his tray and headed towards the family. After placing the cakes down, he made his way to the other side of the table to place their drinks, when suddenly the toddler stuck her foot out, causing Kyungsoo to trip and drop the hot drinks all over the man.

Giggles came from the childerens mouths as the small figure frantically rushed around to clean his costumers shirt as fast as possible. A string of curses fell from his mouth as he snatched the napkins and scowled. "Na, why don't you all go to the car. I'll get cleaned." His harsh tone scared the family, Kyungsoo, and even some nearby customers.

After his family exited, the boy gripped tightly on Kyungsoos wrist, causing him to wince, and pulled him into the bathroom to help him clean his mess. When he noticed his wincing he let go and pulled up his sleeve. Kyungsoo stood frozen in shock.

The man then lifted his own sleeve and waved it in Kyungsoos face. "This is what normal people look like, freak. Get some help." Disgust laced his every word. He then pushed Kyungsoo back into the wall. His fingers traveled along his small torso. He licked his lips and seductively whispered, "You know your body isn't all that bad. You're pretty fit for a freak."

Kyungsoo silently cried and hoped for a way out, thought that loophole was closing quickly.



I know I just updated like two days ago but I've had a lot of time to write and I've had more focus so surprise ;)

Also Ambers song up there actually made me cri ;-;


Word Count: 884 Words

-I'm Out-

-Lexi x

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