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>>Time skip brought to you by SaTAnSoO POWeRs<<
One week later

The couple was sat in the center of Kyungsoos small apartment, in silence, just staring at each other.

"Yeollie?" Kyungsoo called out with a small voice. The silence was scaring him, once again.

"I'm here Soo, don't worry." Chanyeol reassured him.

"No, that's not it." Kyungsoo laid his head in Chanyeols lap, bopping his nose and smiling.

"Well then what is it?" Chanyeol said, kissing his knuckles, after catching his hands. He smiled at Kyungsoo, happy to see the familiar heart shape he missed.

"Maybe you should go visit your family. I'm sure they missed you."

"Sure we can-"

"No. Just you." Kyungsoo cut in, shutting down Chanyeols ideas. The older was confused, because why would Kyungsoo not want to come. Before he could ask, Kyungsoo continued. "They've seen enough of me while you were gone, especially Yoora. You go. I'll be fine."

Chanyeol didn't know whether or not to trust Kyungsoo, at least alone that is.

"I'll stay with Baekhyun, don't worry. I'd never do anything in front of Taehyung." That was the only reassurance Chanyeol needed.

"I guess I'll surprise them, but first I'm taking you to Dae and Baeks. I don't wanna take any chances." Chanyeol spoke seriously, looking directly in his eyes, showing he wasn't leaving until Kyungsoo was securely where he's supposed to be.

"Cmon, lets lay down now." Kyungsoo grabbed Chanyeols wrist and pulled him to the bedroom. There they lay down, with Chanyeols large frame covering Kyungsoo. Almost like a shield guarding the damaged from the terrible fight in front of them.

(Sleeping time for da Chansoo couple)

Kyungsoo heard the alarm he set for them blaring next to him. He moved to turn it off, but there was a weight constricting his body. He turned and looked right in the eyes of a pouting Chanyeol.

"Why the sad face?"

"I don't wanna leave you! Especially not today." Chanyeol said, his frown deepening. He hugged Kyungsoo tighter and shook his whole body, laughing when he heard a muffled, "Just do it for me." He was surprised Kyungsoo wasn't trying to hit him and say "Put me down!"

"Fine," he huffed, pulling them both out of bed. They grabbed his suitcases and began filling them with clothes, Kyungsoo shoving Chanyeol out the way and saying, "You'll have more space if you fold them first."

With an argument here and there they finally finished, a bag for Kyungsoo and two suitcases for Chanyeol.

They walked hand in hand to Baekhyun and Daehyuns shared apartment. When they knocked, Taehyung answered the door. "Uncle Soo! Uncle Yeol!" He hugged them both jumping with joy and repeatedly yelling "I missed you!"

"Where's your mom and dad? They should have told you not to answer the door." Kyungsoo looked at Taehyung disappointed in his friends parenting skills.

"They're sleeping. Wanna scare them?" Taehyung mischievously smirked, and Chanyeol swore he could see the resemblance to Daehyun.

"Yes." Was all Kyungsoo said, an evil smirk playing on his face. "But first, Uncle Yeol has to go so why don't we tell him bye?"

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