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"Chanyeol! You son of a bitch. Get up," Kyungsoo yelled, anger coursing through his entire being.

"What?" Chanyeol shot upright in bed, pushing his hair from his forehead. "Where's the drugs?"

"What the hell, dude?" Jongdae asked, pushing Tao out the room. He almost fell on his knees from the laughter erupting in his stomach.

"I mean, yeah babe?"

"You said you'd watch Tao and Taehyung. Please do what you said, ya dweeb." Kyungsoo playfully hit Chanyeols head, scolding Tao who hit Taehyung.

When no one was in the apartment besides the three, Chanyeol sighed.

"Why the long face, Uncle Yeol?" Tao said, rummaging through the bag of toys Junmyeon and Yifan left for him.

"Soo's mean these days," he replied, pouting at the children who were both trying to find there candy they hid from their parents.

"I mean, he is pregnant," Taehyung told him as he began munching on a snickers bar.

"What do you know about pregnancy?" Chanyeol inquired. He looked at them both when the burst into little giggles, Tao leaning into Taehyung for support.

"Well dad said 'mom'," Taehyung began, referring to his male mother, "used to be really mean to him. I mean like hitting him."

"Yeah, Baba said Appa would whine about food a lot. Appa said he didn't have the heart to hit Baba, but Baba, he shook his head a lot." Tao said, another round of giggles racking his small body.

"You sound like a hyena," Taehyung told him. He received a smack in the arm in return, but they both laughed it off.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Chanyeol asked, waiting for them to signal they were listening. He received a nod so he continued. "You're gonna protect him from bullies and stuff right?"

"Of course, they wouldn't want to mess with us," Taehyung smiled, his box smile with a missing front tooth shining. He caressed his non-existent muscle on his arm while Tao attempted the kick he was practicing in wushu.

When a vase knocked over, both Tao and Chanyeol whisper yelled "Shit" and once again said in unison "I won't tell if you don't."

Together the three cleaned the mess, pushing the vase bits out the back window that led to the dumpster on the back of the building.

After that, they settled on the couch watching a few episodes of Doraemon before all passing out, Tao and Taehyung perched on both the crooks of Chanyeols neck. They had Kyungsoos red knit blanket draped over them.

With Momma Soo

"Minseok look at this, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen," Kyungsoo said, gushing over a baby onesie that said 'I'm cute, Mom's Cute, Dad's Lucky' written across the front.

"Minseok look at this, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen," Kyungsoo said, gushing over a baby onesie that said 'I'm cute, Mom's Cute, Dad's Lucky' written across the front

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"Aww that's funny," Jongdae said, peering around the corner with a onesie in hand.

"I want these two." Kyungsoo said, grabbing the other from the couple who were joking around about it. "Scratch that, I'm getting these two."

 After grabbing a few more items, they exited the store and began the drive to the Do household

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After grabbing a few more items, they exited the store and began the drive to the Do household. Kyungsoo knee his mother would still have all the baby things from when him and Seungsoo were babies.

"Umma, I've come for the things we've discussed," Kyungsoo said, sounding extremely suspicious.

"Right, come this way," Seungsoo came and opened the door, laughing when he looked at Minseok and Jongdae.

A large, white frame, basic base crib lay in the front room. Stuffed animals were packed to the brim in it, they all overcrowded the thing. A rocker sat in front, the faded rainbow colors and chipping paint bringing memories to Kyungsoo.

"Damn, we were spoiled as kids," Kyungsoo joked, pushing Seungsoo lightly.

"You're not wrong," his father cut in.

"Ahh, look at my little boy. You're already so grown up. I mean, a baby? This is amazing!" His mother exclaimed, her hands automatically going to his stomach.

"You look like you're about to pop," Seungsoo said, earning a flick on the forehead.

Meanwhile Jongdae and Minseok finished loading the truck with the baby things and were awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Go, don't wanna keep Chanyeol waiting," his mother smiles and kisses his forehead, before lightly pushing him out.

"Bye love you, and call us when the thing comes out," Seungsoo pointed before closing the door.

"Rude," they all three whispered before heading to the car. The setting sun made streaks of cotton candy pink and deep blue clash together, as if they were fighting, until a fire orange took over both.

The short ride ended and an exhausted Kyungsoo told the two to just bring the stuff over tomorrow. He trudged up the stairs and quietly opened the door. The sight in front of him was adorable. Chanyeols hair stuck up in multiple different directions, his long arms surrounding the two six year olds propped next to him.

Taehyungs thumb was in his mouth, and Tao clutched his Rilakkuma doll close to his chest, as if holding on for dear life. "Aww my babies," he whispered before he walked over and pulled the covers up, settling in Chanyeols lap.

"Hmm, Soo?" Chanyeol murmured, the feeling of Kyungsoos body heat encircling his own body heat.

"Yeah?" Kyungsoo asked.

"What's gonna be his name? You and my mom never told me."

"Sehun," Kyungsoo mumbled before laying his head on Chanyeols shoulder and falling into a slumber as deep as the younger guests.
Since I'm a semi needy person I published a Taekook book you should totally check it out ;)

Does anyone stan BAP or DAY6 cuz those newest MVs

So the Chansoo beb is Sehun :)

Word Count: 931 Words

-I'm Out-
-Lexi x

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