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The mop of dark brown hair pushed multiple things off the shelf, mumbling curses. "Dammit, Jihoon better not hurt me." He whined ignoring the couple sitting stiffly in the corner.

"Umm," Chanyeol cleared his throat, causing the boy to jump back. He scratched his nape and put his hand out, earning a shake in return.

"I'm Kwon Sonnyoung, but you can call me Hoshi. Dr. Jiyong is my uncle." He smiled, causing his eyes to have the looks of 10:10 like a clock. (TeN hOUr tEn mINuTE)

"I'm Chanyeol. This is Kyungsoo," Chanyeol pointed to each of them still confused.

"Oh! You're Kyungsoo? Nice to meet you finally. Your mom makes a mean casserole." Soonyoung laughed, causing a giggle to come from the boy.

"Nice to meet you and all," Chanyeol began, scratching his nape. "But, what are you doing in here?"

"Oh my boyfriend Jihoon left his glasses, I think? Anyways since it's my uncles room, he bribed me to come get them." Soonyoung said, still looking around.

Jiyong came in the room and shooed Soonyoung away, tossing thick frame glasses, identical to Kyungsoos, to him.

"Since I'm nice and all, I GOT PICTURES! Ahem," he said looking to the floor, recovering from his outburst. "And some more packets, healthy foods and all."

"Thank you. Also, is it okay to crave, like, different food combinations?" Kyungsoo asked, thinking back to the night he asked Chanyeol to get him pickles and peanut butter. (Hannah Montana reference ;])

"Yep. How about mood swings?" Jiyong scratched his head.

"Not yet." Chanyeol answered for him, grabbing Kyungsoos hand, already heading out the room.

"Thanks Jiyong." They both smiled before returning home.

Two Months Later

After everyone left from Kyungsoos apartment, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sat on the couch, Kyungsoo in his lap. They'd just finished throwing a small get together for his birthday, which doubled as a baby shower.

"Soo, can I ask you a question?" Chanyeol said, running his fingers through Chanyeols hair slowly.

The smaller hummed in response, showing he was listening. "Why'd you take me back? I mean I wouldn't take me back, hell, I was terrified I wasn't gonna be able to come back into your life. Why so easily?" Chanyeol asked, regretting asking the question, knowing it would be hard to answer.

"Humpty Dumpty had to put himself back together again before he could wake up. I guess you were just the missing piece to my Humpty Dumpty."

"I don't wanna sound stupid," Chanyeol laughed. "But can you explain it to me."

"Well," Kyungsoo started, shifting around to look into Chanyeols face. "You were my rock. Directly at the base of my mind, making me depend on you.

When a wall, in this case, my sanity basically, loses the main piece of its base, it collapses. When you left me, it caused my sanity to break.

I, myself, was terrified of seeing you again to be honest. Yet, when I saw your face, the guilt it held, but the love that I could physically feel, I knew you wouldn't, couldn't, leave me again.

That is why I took you back so easily. Because we both still love each other and it's toxic for us to be apart."

"Have you ever thought," Chanyeol began, wrapping his arms tightly around his chest, rubbing the small baby bump. "Maybe, us being together is toxic as well."

"I have." Kyungsoo said. "But I'd rather have you with me with a temporary fix, than have you gone and me not here at all."

The way Kyungsoo had with words was mesmerizing, always sending the smallest shivers down Chanyeols spine. He spoke with such beauty and such wisdom that Chanyeol never knew how someone like him ended up with someone like Kyungsoo.

Then he'd remember all the praise and love he would receive when they were younger. 'Chanyeol you're so smart,' or 'Channie you'll have to teach me to play that' or even sometimes 'You know, you'll do wonders one day with all the talents you have.'

Then, both of them being toxic for each other seemed to be so right at the moment. There was no denying how bewitchingly amazing their relationship. All logic was thrown out the window.

"Chanyeollie, can you get me ice and chocolate. I wanna crunch the ice, but I really want something sweet."

"Aish, this kid." Chanyeol huffed, patting his stomach again. "You'll cause some problems won't you?" They laughed together, Chanyeol moving quickly to get the items craved.

"He's your kid, of course he will."


"Mothers suspicion. Just go with it."

Yo (nice skirt)
(I had them in like chapter ten I think)

I've been catching up in all my shows finallyyyy (Stranger Things, Supernatural, NO Mercy, etc.)

Anyways I feel lonely 🙃 Welp

Also the way I wrote the smut, Kyungsoo has to be around six months pregnant (?)

Y'all know who the Chansoo baby is right? Oh whale 🤷‍♀

Baiii Spawns ;;))
-I'm Out-
-Lexi X

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