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Kyungsoo woke up, alone in the bed. He assumed Baekhyun went to work in the cafe considering it was still fairly early.

He lazily threw his legs over the side of the bed and stomped to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror  the bags under his eyes were still there just a little lighter than before.

"Coffee," he muttered. Although he ran a cafe, he preferred making his own coffee for himself. Last time he trusted anyone in the coffee shop to make his coffee, the sweetness left a disgusting aftertaste and fatigue weighed him down all day.

Instead of all the extra sugar or creamer, he preferred the bitter taste of black coffee and the strong urge to stay awake. After downing the coffee and having it burn his throat, he moved to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn't care much about his appearance so he left his hair looking like a disheveled dark brown mop on his head.

Instead of the simple black sweater he always wore, he decided to change things up a little bit. He'd wear a white sweater instead. Today felt different in his gut. He wore his ripped black skinny jeans and red converse. They stood out, yeah, but they were comfortable.

After Kyungsoo was dressed, he left his house and locked the door, heading downstairs to the cafe he owned since his father helped him pay it off. After the whole Chanyeol incident, his family said they would help with whatever he wanted. The Parks even helped out some, to which Kyungsoo was forever grateful for.

When he rounded the corner he was met with an empty store. An empty street at that matter. The usually always busy street was empty. Not one furious yell or one growl of an engine. The atmosphere felt more, well, empty.

The usually fast and disheveled store was completely empty. Every chair sat untouched, upside down on the tables. Kyungsoo ran his fingers along the clean surfaces. There wasn't a trace and life being near the whole street.

He drug his feet to the back of the store and sat down. Pulling out his phone, he saw there was no signal. Sighing of frustration he three his cell on the table and held his head in his hands.

The sound of the bell on the front door pulled him to reality as he ran to see who was here, considering he hasn't been in contact with a human since at least last night.

The sight in front of him left him shocked. There stood Chanyeol, in all his 6'1 glory. A black hat cover his curly chestnut locks, a black hoodie above a black and white chackered button up hugged his torso, and black skinny jeans covered his long legs.

His face held an unreadable expression, until a smile broke out on his face. His long arms extended and Kyungsoo couldn't help but running out into a sprint to reach him. His frail arms held Chanyeol tightly while tears slowly fell down his face.

Chanyeol pulled away and used his thumbs to cup the smallest face and wipe away all the loose tears that fell.

"I missed you." His velvety voice filled the silent air. Kyungsoo nodded in response, not trusting his voice.

Chanyeols large hand then gripped Kyungsoos smaller one, dragging him up the stairs to the roof area. Confusion spread on the youngest face until the table full with food came into his view. He still wondered how he managed to do all this.

Baekhyun must of helped him set the whole thing up. He smiled to himself. Baekhyun was such a hopeless romantic, that when Kyungsoo heard about him and Daehyun, he rejoiced that his best friend could find someone at least slightly like him.

They went to sit on the chairs but Chanyeol pulled Kyungsoo up and by the ledge. "Look at that amazing view." He whispered.

Kyungsoo hummed and absent mindedly scratched at his wrist. He didn't stop until he noticed his sleeve raised slightly and Chanyeols eyes pierced holes through the self inflicted wounds.

Kyungsoos eyes weld up with tears and he looked away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He kept repeated. He wouldn't stop until the older pulled him into yet another hug.

"Can I see them?" He hesitated before asking. Kyungsoo nodded and pulled his sleeve up slowly to reveal multiple red lines that covered his upper arm.

Chanyeol took ahold of his arm and held it, tightly. The hold causing pain to shoot throughout Kyungsoos entire body. "Ch-Chanyeol. Stop it! Th-that hurts!" Kyungsoo squirmed.

Instead of stopping, the giant tightened his grip while his face contorted into a sickeningly sweet expression. He drug Kyungsoo exactly near the edge and whispered in his deep voice, scaring Kyungsoo, "Why hurt yourself when you can just die?" Before pushing him over the edge, letting him fall 13 stories down.

All he could hear was the pressure of the wind and all he could feel was the way the wind curled around his body.

Right before his small body could hit the ground and smash the life out of him, he jolted in bed, looking to see Daehyun and Baekhyun looking at him concerned. Tears fell freely without him noticing, they always do anyway.

Instead of talking about it, he shook his head and laid down once more. Although he feared going back to sleep, he did anyway. Having dreamt enough for the night, his mind was filled with blankness and fear.

Please, no more nightmares. He silently preyed. Everything ended up being a black void of nothingness for the rest of the night.

Heh, my emo is showing with Jet Black Heart up there

Also hehe sorry for that
Word Count: 985 words
-I'm Out-
-Lexi x

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