Coming out

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Michaels pov

I wake up early, get dressed, actually brush my teeth for once, have breakfast and prepare for what I'm going to say. Today I'm going to come out to Jeremy as gay and I'm really nervous because he's my best and only friend! If he doesn't except me then I won't have anyone to talk to. Just as I finish getting ready I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I call, knowing it'll be Jeremy. "Hey"
"Hey" A smile spreads across my face.
"Hey?" (A/n I'm too lazy to look up if this is the right amount of heys) I start to scream at the top of my lungs
"OOOOOO I DO I DO I DO I DOOOOOOO HEY! OOOOOOO I DO I DO I DOOOO!" Jeremy looks at me with the most confused look I've ever seen anyone have. God he's cute. "Ummmm... dude? What the fuck?"
"Never mind."
"We should probably get to school now."

Jeremy's pov

Michael and me walk in silence for awhile, which is odd. He face is as red as his sweater and he looks lost in thought. After what feels like forever (a/n for forever this way, this way! Sorry) he finally speaks "Hey Jer, can I tell you something?"
"Promise you won't hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?" Michael shrugs
"Just promise."
"I promise." Michael takes a steady breath.
"Jeremyimgay." Even though he said it faster than the speed of sound, I knew what he said. (A/n for an entire minute I was trying to spell it sayd or sayid or saiyd) I leaned down and kissed him. Why the fuck did I do that!?! After a moment I realize he's kissing back (a/n oh boy). We stop kissing after awhile because we realize we need to get to school.

Time skip brought to you by how I really want a BMC anime.
(I know I'm weird)

After class me and Michael went to meet Evan, Connor, and Christine. They were sitting in the grass in front of our school eating, when they saw me and Michael holding hands Christine quietly slipped Connor a ten dollar (a/n founding father got a lot farther...) bill. "So Jer, guess you're not straight."

I went back and edited this one. 397 words

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