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First off. W H O T
Over 5k reads?!? ExCuSe Me?! This is fabulous! Also it's letting me comment again so that's nice
Also: it's mostly angst cause I really want to see my two favourite boys suffer :)

Ps. Christine is a kind of a bih in this. Like, she's a full on different person than she is in the musical, sorry not sorry.

Michaels pov

"Jeremy what the fuck! I can't believe you've done this!" I still can't believe it, I feel like its just a bad dream, but it's not. No less then five minutes ago, I saw my boyfriend of two years cheating on me, with Christine. It just seems impossible, the two people I trusted the most betraying me in the worst way possible. "How long has this been going on for?! Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you just going to keep pretending that you loved me forever!?" Jeremy new that I wanted answers, and that if he didn't give them to me, bad things would happen.

"It hasn't been going on for that long! Christine means nothing to me!" He sighed, "I-it's been going on for about three months. But I SWEAR I was going to break it off today." I couldn't tell whether he was planing on breaking up with me or Christine, but I guess it doesn't matter now. "I'm sorry Michael! I'm so sorry, please don't leave. Please!" I don't care what he says. He's awful. I can't stand him any more, I've put up with his shit for too long.

"Fine then, go be happy with someone else. And don't talk to me ever again! I hate you!" I run for his bedroom, down the stairs and out the door without looking back.


Jeremy's pov

Oh. My. God. What have I done? I'm staring at Michael as he yells at me, he looks heart broken. I can barely even hear what he's saying, it all just sounds like static to me. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I'm the one that did this to him. I'm an awful person. Through all his shouting and me begging him not to leave I hear only one thing. "I hate you." The world falls away, the words ring in my ears, it's the only thing I can hear. The one person I cared about hates me, and I hate myself too.

Christine's pov

Oooooh shit. Michael found out. Cant say I didn't predict this, I mean, me and Jeremy have been friends with benefits (A/n I know she's ace but go with it) for a couple months now. As soon as he saw us I threw on my clothes and bolted out the window. Not the best move on my part I know, but what was I supposed to do? Have my best friend yell at me for doing the do with his boyfriend? No way! Besides, now me and Jeremy could maybe actually be a couple, with like, feelings and stuff. I know it's stupid to think that that could ever happen, but the only thing standing in our way was Michael, and now that he's out of the picture...

Time skip to the next week (they're at school) brought to you by supernatural

"Hey Jeremyyy~" I come up and sit down next to him at the lunch table. Michael hasn't been at school in the past week, I'm kind of worried, even if I did cheat on him with his boyfriend, I still care.

"Go away Christine." Jeremy sounded angry, slightly sad even.

"Jeez, way to kill the mood." I roll my eyes and smile. He lifts his head up and stares me straight in the eyes.

"Sorry, it's just... I-I miss Michael." That hurt. "Have you seen him?"

"No, is something wrong?" Of course I know what's wrong, I just don't want to admit out loud that I crushed my best friends soul.

"He hasn't read any of my messages, he hasn't answered any of my calls, I even went to his house, his basement window was locked. I knocked on his door, his parents didn't even open it." Thats worrisome, Michael's parents always answer the door.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll come with you to look for Michael, if you take me to dinner." Was that the best thing to say, no. But it wasn't the worst thing I could say either.

Jeremy's pov

I knock on Michael's door with Christine at my side, scared half to death. We stand there for what feels like forever, until the door slowly and shakily opens to reveal Michael's sobbing mother. "W-what's wrong?" Christine asks with worry in her voice.

"M-Michael...h-he passed away-" She was about to say more but she was cut off with her crying.

"W-was it suicide?" I ask quietly, deep down already knowing the answer. She nodded, and then closed the door on us, making it clear she didn't want us around. I start shaking, all of a sudden I feel light headed. I'm the reason Michael is dead. I immediately run home. I don't want to live in a world without Michael, the one person I cared about more than anything is dead. There's nothing else worth living for. My dad is out of town, so I run to the shed out back, the shed where we keep our guns. The shed I was told to never enter. I turn the knob with quaking hands. I look around the shelves, and spot a pistol in the corner. I grab a piece of paper from my pocket and look around for a pen, after finding one I quickly scribble down: I don't want to live in a world where I'm responsible for Michael's death. I loved him, I'm sorry Christine but you'll never be able to replace him, you'll find someone else. Goodbye.

And I pull the trigger.

Yeet. I always make Jeremy kill himself idk why. Does anyone have any suggestions for another chapter? Anything you'd want I'll write (except for smut of course)

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