Boyf riends- Hamilton

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Michaels pov

I burst into Jeremy's room. "OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT?!!" I scream at him. He falls off his bed, he's so cute!


"I GOT TICKETS TO HAMILTON!!!!!!" I'm jumping up and down and dancing. I see his eyes go wide as he stands up.

"OH. MY. TIC TACS! HOW?!! THIS IS AMAZING OH MY GOD!!" We're both jumping up and down now.

"I BOUGHT THEM FROM A GUY IN AN ALLEY!" I laugh and scream and jump. We run out and hop in the car.

Time skip brought to you by my Lams book (shameless self promotion)

We take our seats as it begins.

How does a bastard orphan

Me and Jeremy are singing along. We're so close to the stage!   (A/n I'm gonna be jumping songs and things because I'm lazy)

Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?

Me and Jeremy are absorbed in the Musical, it's so much better when you hear it live.

You'll be back! Soon you'll see

Time skip brought to you by writers block and laziness

As we're driving home, all we can talk about is Hamilton. "I didn't cry hearing the soundtrack but that made me pour buckets! Like, the part where Laurens died makes me so sad!" Laurens is my favourite character, and not just because he's gay.

"Burn had me dying, like how could Alex just do that to Eliza!?"

"I know! Also Angie giving up Alex for Eliza" I wanted to say relatable but...

"I know right! Like, imagine having to see the person you love be with someone else."

I don't have to imagine.


"Shit did I say that out loud?"

"Yes you did, and what's that supposed to mean?" Welp, no time like the present I guess.

"Jeremy I've liked you for seven years and I had to watch you with Christine a-a-nd" I'm crying now. Emotions suck.

"Hey, do you know the reason why I broke up with Christine? It was so that I could do this." He leans down and kisses me.

Who doesn't love my trash endings XD 351 words my OCD ack. With that it's 356.

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