Tree bros-Memories

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This is a good chapter. It's also quite long, to make up for me being away. No angst, but if you want I can give you an angst version.

Evan's pov

I look back on some of my favourite moments, like the time me and Connor first met.


"I don't wanna go!" I cry. I didn't want to meet new kids, I didn't want to make new friends, and I didn't want to talk to the teacher.

"Sweetheart you have to. I'm sure you'll make friends." My mom tries to calm me down. It doesn't work. "You don't want to make a scene, do you?" This shuts me right up. I don't want anyone to look at me. I don't want people staring.

"NO!" I hear another boy shout. I turn to look. "I don't want to go." He had a black sweater that went down to his knees, and a stuffed bear in one hand.

"Connor. You have to go, and it's only for a little while. I promise I'll be back." She turned and looked at my mom. "Kids can be such a handful sometimes." She smiles with tired eyes.

"Yes they can. Is that your son?" She smiles back.

"Yep. His name is Connor and he refuses to go inside. Yours?"

"His name is Evan. And I'm having the same problem." Connor toddled over while the parents talked.

"Hello. I'm Connor. You?" I blush. I'm not good at talking to people.

"Oh I'm Uh...E-e-evan. N-nice t-to meet y-y-you."

"Do you want to go to school?"


"Why not?"

"Be-because k-kids a-are mean! T-they m-m-make fun of me!"

"I'm not making fun of you." I go silent for awhile.

"Do you want to go?" I finally ask. I don't stutter for once.


"Why not?"

"Because my dad said I needed to."

"But shouldn't you do what your daddy says?"

"My dad is bad." I'm confused. "He's mean to my mommy, he bullies her. A-and he sometimes hits me." He looked scared, and he was on the verge of tears. (My poor baby!)

"C-can I show y-y-you a p-place?"

"Sure." I lead him into the forest by the park. "Are we there yet?"

"No." I lead him deeper down the forest path that I had created. We got to the other side of the forest and reached the open field that was lined with trees. "Here we are!"

"Here we are!" I felt more confident here, and more at home than anywhere else.

"It's so pretty!" And we stayed at our new favourite spot for the rest of the day.

Flashback end

I remember the first time Connor said he liked me.


We're at our favourite spot, Connor took me here for some reason. "Hey dude we've been friends for a really long time now." (A/n Forgive me, for I am weak) Connor only ever uses the word dude when he's nervous. And when he gets nervous I get nervous.


"Well um...I-I um..." Oh jeez does he not want to be my friend anymore? Does he not like me? He takes a deep breath in. "Listen, I've liked you for a really long time now. I-I really like you but I understand if you don't feel the same way and if you don't wan-"

"Oh my spruce I love you." And that was the day I got my first boyfriend, and first kiss.

Flashback end

Or when he proposed to me


"Can I take off the blindfold?" I'm being lead through something, a maze? A city? A forest? Idk. I just hope it's a good surprise. We walk a little farther.

"Now you can!" I take off my blindfold to have the most beautiful scene be displayed in front of me. It was a beach lined with oaks, my favourite type of tree, and a bonsai tree sat in the center of it all. "It's for you." Connor's blushing. I go over to the tree and see a speck of silver in the leaves. I part them to reveal a silver ring with three triangular emeralds arranged to form a triangle. "Will you marry me?" I turn to look at Connor.

"OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!"

Flashback end

Moments that lead up to now, as me and Connor walk each other down the isle.

WEEEEEEE!! This was fun to write. Not as fun as angst but still fun XD. I'm sick.

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