Boyf riends- Ghosts

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Nyoom! I'm back! I got sooo much stuff from Animethon!

"Wait up!" Jenna yelled and hurried over to the group. "Since Halloween is coming up we should have a party!" Everyone agreed, and they decided to meet at the cemetery.

Time skip brought to you by my AMAZING assassination classroom shirt

Once they were there, Rich thought it would be a good idea to tell ghost stories.

"B-but t-those a-a-are scary!" Evan whined. Connor pulled him close and told him not to worry.

"I'll go first!" Jeremy said. "It was a clear day, the sun was out and the birds were chirping. It was perfect... too perfect. During this day there was a smol boi named Alex. He was riding his bike to school but, when he got there he noticed that it was deserted. He thought back and didn't recall seeing anyone on the path either. Had he even seen his parents that morning? He looked around in horror as he realized he was the last person on Earth. But just then he heard a rustling in the bushes, he whipped around to see a figure his hight standing there. It's bare feet dragged across the pavement towards him. He stepped back, its glowing red eyes stared at him intensely. It's skin didn't fit onto its body right, and he couldn't make out the face shape. It's face seemed to be constantly shifting into different forms. It spoke to him in a whisper 'Alex come here. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to play.' A thicc black fog rolled around him, he tried to scream but nothing came out. The figure took its bony hand and grabbed his neck. He woke up with a start, panting and sweating. He was relieved that it was just a dream. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, there in the corner, was the figure. The end!" Everyone was shocked and frightened by the story. (A/n it wasn't that good but I made it up on the fly sooo...)

"Jeez Jere, I didn't know you could tell such scary stories!" Michael was clenching his bff/crush, wondering how he could be such a good story teller. Just then they all heard a whisper from behind them

"You're all gay af." Everyone slowly turned their heads to see where the sound was coming from. There, in front of them stood a ghost. He was tall with dark brown hair and a long black trench coat.

"W-w-we're not gay!" (Michael hasn't come out yet). The ghost laughed for a long time, a very long time.

"That is the biggest lie I've ever heard!" Jeremy studied the ghost and finally got the courage to make audible sounds.

"Y-you're the-the boy w-w-who tried to blow up the s-school?" It came out more as a question than a statement. The ghosts face went dark... literally. It's eyes started to glow red and a thick black fog started to spread, and then it stopped. It retreated back into the ghost. "Huff. Yes I am JD, or as you put it 'the boy who tried to blow up the school'. I know what I did was wrong and I'm truly sorry for my actions. But I still stick by my claim that you're all gay."

"I'm not gay!" Michael shouted. Christine laughed. "I'm not!" Michael threw her a death glare. She was the only person Michael had come out to. She was also the only person everyone else had come out to.

"Give it a rest Michael, no one else here is straight anyways."

"Told ya'!" JD said with a grin.

This was trash but like...writers block. I promise I can write good! (Shameless promo) One book that's actually written good is Wonderland. The second chapter is on its way!

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