Tree bros- You're dead

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Evans pov

I wait in my room for Connor to show up, he's late...again. You know, you'd think he wouldn't be busy, being a ghost and all, but he barely comes over any more. We used to be the best of friends but... we grew apart, he fell in with the wrong crowd and he eventually killed himself because of it.

"Hey" He floats through my window.
"It's about time!"
"Well sorry!" He says in an incredibly sassy tone (sassy Connor is the best Connor) "I was busy!" I knew exactly what he was doing, he was getting high. How a ghost can get high, I don't know. But he found a way.
"Connor! You need to stop doing what you do! You should be trying to improve yourself, doing what you didn't do when you were on earth, and also maybe spending time with your boyfriend!"
"Jeez stop telling me how to live my life!"
"Connor." I breathe in. "What life? You're dead." He stares at me for a really long time, and then bursts out laughing. "W-what? That wasn't even th-that funny!"
"Exactly!" He calms down after awhile. "*sigh* Our love is god, now let's go get a slushy."
"Wrong musical, sorry!"

Why did I make this?

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