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Harry remembers the exact moment that green met blue.

It was at a coffee shop on the last day of his Senior year. He had walked into The Scoop, the local cafe/ice cream shop, with his irish friend trailing behind him. It was nine in the afternoon, around the time that him and Niall wanted chocolate chip muffins. An unhealthy habit, but most habits are.
As Harry headed over to where the muffins were on display, loud piano music began to play from the far left side of the room. Harry turned to see who was playing and saw a short male figure, beautifully moving his fingers and humming as he did so.

"Niall! Who is that guy? He sounds-" Harry began but was cut off by the piano music stopping, and the person turning towards him.
"It's really rude to loudly speak over someone while they're playing in a public place." The glossy eyed male barked at him. Harry stood there shocked. Everyone stood there shocked.
"I-I uh, I was just trying ask my friend who you are. I wanted to tell him how amazing the piano sounded." Harry stuttered, his face heating up with embarrassment. Everyone in that small cafe was either staring at him or the floor.

Niall got to Harry's side, picked up the chocolate chip muffins, paid, and rushed harry out. He didn't want to watch his friend stand there and have a breakdown. Too much attention too quickly can always be a bad thing for Harry.

"That guy didn't know, H. If he knew you were just trying to be nice, then he would've been nicer." Niall spoke softly, handing Harry his muffin and walking with him towards Harry's house.

The jingle of the cafe door bell as it was opened would always ring in his ears. Always.

"Hey! I'm sorry for what I did!"

Harry spun around to see the piano player. His full body was now visible, and it was gorgeous. He wore a hat with a logo that Harry could almost read. Harry could see that his all black outfit was almost the same shades but weren't. His hair almost covered his eyebrows but didn't. His shoes were almost tied completely, but weren't.

"My name's Louis, Louis Tomlinson. I think you went to my school. Rare High? Thank god we all graduated, that school was hell." Niall took a good look at him and thought to himself, Thank fucking god he apologized, that would've been on Harry's mind for ages.

Although, Louis' apology left more on Harry's mind. His smile.

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