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Days passed by of Louis and Harry not talking. It was weird. 
Harry's days continued, they had to, but the days dragged along. He sat around his house continuously wondering if he should text Louis, or if Louis is ever going to text him. He spent minutes by the window every other hour, seeing if he could spot Louis, just for a second. 

Harry stares at the cactus paintings framed along his white walls, and the more he looks at them, the more he thinks of how Louis' fingers grazed the edges of each. He never thought he would be jealous of a cactus painting. He needed air, he gets off the bed and walks towards and out the front door. 

Harry sits on his front steps and inhales deeply, then exhales. Minutes pass as Harry stares out into the area in front of him, and then Louis' voice becomes audible.

Louis' door opens as he has his phone in between his ear and shoulder, carrying his keys in one hand and opens his mailbox with the other. He doesn't even see Harry, but Harry sees him. Harry stands up and strides over, tapping his shoulder. 

Louis spins around, and looks at him. "You cannot be out here right now." 

Harry's brows furrow and his heart sinks. "I live here, I can be where ever I want to be." 
"What happened to us?" The words come out, without a thought in Harry's mind about what he was saying.

"Us?" Louis looks at Harry confused. 

"Yes, us, best friends?" Harry saves himself, but a car pulls up. The guy from the other day was in the front seat. He stares at Harry long and hard, while Louis gets in the passenger seat without saying goodbye. The door slams shut, and Derek sticks his middle finger out the window for Harry to see. 

Harry's head hangs low as his face gets redder than ever.

He can't explain how much he wanted to fight the douche that drove away with Louis, but he knows he'd lose. He was the same height as Harry, but muscular, with tattoos covering his arms. No wonder Louis' liked him. He didn't go to our high school though, Niall and Harry practically knew everyone. 

Speaking of Niall, Harry wondered what he was up to. He was sick and tired of staying home and feeling sorry for himself. He's spoken to him a few times after their phone conversation, but just hi's and goodbyes. Harry missed him. 

GumdropStyles: Hang out?

Nielboy: Theres a huge party tonight

GumdropStyles: ok nvm

NielBoy: Oh come on! It'll be fun, I promise. 


NielBoy: Im coming over, and styling you. WOOHOO.

GumdropStyles: You'll never find me

NielBoy: You live 10 minutes away AND I know where u live.

Harry's showers took less than ten minutes so he decided to shower, hoping he could convince Niall to just go bowling or to a trampoline park. Anything that didn't involve people underage drinking, grinding on each other, and loud music. 


Whenever Niall arrived, he let himself in. He knew Harry for long enough. Harry was in boxers and his hair was soaking wet, but Niall has seen far more than a shirtless Harry.
        "What kind of party is it? House party? Formal?" Harry stared at the ceiling as Niall picked out clothes for him. 

"Casual, House party, its a senior get together." Niall responded throwing stuff on Harry's bed. 

"Will there be bingo?" Harry joked. Niall actually laughed at this one. "You've finally made a joke that doesn't suck arse" 

"Wow, That stung. I've been wounded.." Harry pretends to cry. Niall hands him all the clothes he picked out, and throws Harry's boots to the ground by his bed. "Get dressed and we'll leave in 15." 

Harry groaned knowing he couldn't get himself out of this one. He felt good in the clothing Niall picked though, it wasn't Harry. It was the cool "I've probably flirted with your sister" look. Harry just wanted the day to be over.

He had on a grey thin button down, that Niall forced him to leave a few buttons undone, black skinny jeans, black sunglasses, and his brown boots.

"I've made a rock star. Thank me later." Niall stated, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

They take Niall's car and the drive is short, which Harry was bittersweet about. They only got to listen to a few songs, but Harry gets car sick, so he can't deal with long drives.

They get out of the car and walk in the open front doors of what looks like a frat house. Harry would rather get car sick than be there. Niall was smiling wide, ready to take on the world.

Loud music and bodys pushed together was an understatement. Niall and Harry headed for the kitchen to get the night started, and Harry knew the only way he'd have a good time was if he was under the influence of alcohol. So he drank.

and he drank.

Half an hour had to have passed by, and Harry was grinding upon a sea of people. He couldn't find Niall at this point, and Louis finally wasn't on his mind.

Louis was in his sight though. AND THEN on his mind. Of course, Louis had ended up at the same party. Of course, Louis had ended up at the same party with Derek.
Harry finally felt confident in his actions, he knew he'd lose, but he wouldn't let himself not try. He walked over, and grabbed Louis' arm, causing Louis to stumble and look at Harry confused.
Harry blinked his eyes a few times before realizing Louis wasn't Louis. Louis was a girl with short hair, dancing with someone who wasn't Derek. Harry apologized, and his face became beet red, causing him to turn around in his tracks, wanting to run and hide.

With all the confidence drained out of his body, he feels a tug on his hand. He spins around and is face to face with Louis. He blinks four or five times to make sure, and he was sure. 
"Hey" Is all that Louis could manage to say. Harry was fuming. He insults him, ignores him for days, tells him where he can and can't be, and all he can say is hey? All of his anger, embarrassment, and rage builds up.

The walls begin to spin, and Harry collapses into Louis' arms. 

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