
22 1 1

Niall brought Harry and Louis to their homes, and they said their goodbyes. 
As Harry laid in his bed, he stared at the ceiling not knowing where to go from there.

He was unsure of where he and Louis stood. 

Louis was sure where they stood though, and after seeing Harry at his worst, he was determined to help him be at his best. Louis would go over the next morning and talk with him, and everything would go back to normal. 


Harry woke up to his doorbell ringing, which never happens.

He heard mumbling and the door closing, meaning his mum probably let in the guest. 
Harry only had boxers on, so he got up, slid on the baggiest pair of sweats near him, and walked out of his room. 

"Is Harry awak-" Louis spoke until he spotted Harry, and smiled. Harry was rubbing his tired eyes, but once he opened them, he saw Louis and his heart melted. Harry had the biggest school girl crush on Louis, and he was ashamed of it. Louis was taken, and that was that.

"I wanna talk." Louis told him, and they both proceeded into Harry's room. 

"Since when did you have tattoos?" Louis questioned him, causing Harry to blush. Harry usually covered them with tattoo foundation, he felt like tattoos made him look immature, and stupid. He should've covered them before he walked out of his room.

"Last summer I got a few tattoos, meaningless."

"Everything has a meaning." Louis told him, smiling.

"Well one day i'll explain them all." Harry promised, making Louis' smile fade. He began to twiddle his thumbs.

"So what did you want to talk about?" 

"Did my words hurt you?" Louis blurted, not thinking before he spoke.

"When you called me ugly? Or when you said we had just met?" Harry muttered, causing both of their hearts to sink.


"Yes, both." Harry told. Louis felt horrible, terrible even, but he didn't want Derek to stop talking to him.

"I'm sorry Harry, I really am. I didn't mean it. How could I? You're so gorgeous, you curly headed model." Louis joked, but that sent chills throughout Harry's entire body, little words meant so much to him, not knowing they meant so little to Louis. 

"Its alright, it shouldn't have bothered me so much. We're only friends." Harry made sure that Louis didn't suspect a thing. and it worked. 

"Right, I mean hows Lucy? Weren't you guys talking?" Louis asked, not knowing that Harry was gay, and not knowing that Harry only talked to Lucy so they both could drool over Louis' eyes. 

"Oh yeah, shes great." Harry began bullshitting, like he always does. Unaware that Louis did too.

"How's Derek?" 

"Derek? We're just friends." Louis said confused.

"Friends don't get mad when guys swim with other guys, and accuse them of turning each other on." Harry pointed out, making Louis at a loss from words.

"Why would I lie to you?" Louis furrowed his brows.

"You lied to him. You said I was ugly, and that you had just met me. How can I trust that you wont lie to me?" Harry argued, causing Louis to run a hand through his uncombed hair. 

"Because Derek, means nothing to me, and you're my best friend." Louis explained. Harry wasn't going to keep arguing, but he wasn't going to believe it either. 

Operation find out the truth about Louis was in effect, and Harry wasn't going to stop there.


Harry added Niall and Zayn into a group chat.

Nielboy: What is this

GumdropStyles: OWLD

ZaynMilk: mcwhat?

GumdropStyles: Operation: Who's Louis Dating?

Nielboy: You're annoying

GumdropStyles: Guys literally he says that guy Derek isn't his boyfriend, and he's always texting multiple people

ZaynMilk: omg dude he can talk to whoever he wants to

GumdropStyles: But its wrong if he's talking to multiple at the same time, and they don't know it.

Nielboy: so what, are you going to expose the love of your life?

GumdropStyles: No! I'm not exposing him and hes not the love of my life, okay? I just think he's handsome and smart and funny.

Nielboy: and u wanna kiss him, and hug him,

ZaynMilk: sounds like love.

GumdropStyles: it's not love if its not mutual.

ZaynMilk: wtf 

Nielboy: You can love someone who doesn't love you back? fuck are u saying

GumdropStyles: I can't say I love him, if I haven't kissed him, or slept with him, or blah blah blah. People date for months without dropping the L word.

ZaynMilk: and you've admired him from afar for months, so you can drop the L word.

GumdropStyles: Incorrect, I have admired him from up close for months. 

Nielboy: Whatever. So how are we going to find out who hes "dating".

GumdropStyles: by following him around.

ZaynMilk: count me out, his big ass friend derek would eat us if we got caught.

GumdropStyles: so //don't get caught\\

Nielboy: I'm down.

ZaynMilk: i'M dOwN

GumdropStyles: I hate you both. Be here at 2pm, sharp

Nielboy: Rodger that, Cap'n

ZaynMilk: I hate you both.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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