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Louis woke up to a knock at his door. It was 2 pm, and he wasn't surprised that he slept for so long. He had no shirt on and black sweatpants hanging low as he rushed to get the door, tripping over himself. Harry must've heard the crash because he opened the door to see Louis sprawled on the floor in a fit of laughs. His face was red and Harry thought it was from laughing so hard, but he was blushing.

"Uh, hey curly!" Louis jokingly tried to save himself, by putting a hand on his hip and other on the back of his neck.

Harry extended out his hand to help Louis up, smiling.

"Hey Lou." Harry scratched the back of his neck because now he was fully seeing Louis' bare chest and couldn't help staring.
"Like what you see?"
"I uh, yeah, I um" Harry stuttered causing Louis to smirk. He turned and walked towards the kitchen, Harry following.

"You have a pool!" Harry said mesmerized, looking through the glass back door. His pool was huge. It went from 3 feet all the way to 10 feet.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Louis asked, Harry nodded vigorously. He loved swimming but his house didn't have a backyard, and public pools disgusted him.

"I've always admired this house because it's so huge! You're the only one who lives here?" Harry wondered, admiringly staring up at the spiral staircase.
"My sisters come and visit from time to time, but I like being alone. I'm quite messy and no one wants to deal with me haha." Harry just listened to Louis' words.

His accent was so different than Harry's. He talked fast and his words didn't seem like words, just shorter, easier versions. Harry talked slowly, making sure every inch of his words were pronounced right. He didn't like making mistakes.
"I don't have my swimming shorts.." Harry stated, walking towards the door to go get them.
"S'all right. We can just swim in our boxers." Louis said casually. Harry's heart beated quicker. Harry had on calvin kleins that would show his buldge 100%.
"I'll just run and get mine it'll only be a second." And with that Harry ran out and Louis sighed deeply.
"God damn innocence." He mumbled under his breath. Harry came back only about 3 minutes later, shirtless with a pink fluffy towel. His swim shorts were yellow and quite short. Louis was the one staring now. Until they walked out to the pool and Louis didn't change into swim trunks.

He pulled down his sweats to reveal calvin klein boxers (not the skin tight ones that Harry had). Harry looked down for a moment and then snapped his head back up, blushing. They got in the water at the same time but Harry slowly inched himself in, whilst Louis fully dove in.

"What're you a professional?" Harry smiled, still standing in the 3 foot zone while Louis was in the 5 feet, standing. He was 5'8 so his neck and head were well above the water. Harry was taking way too long for Louis' liking, so he splashed him, earning a loud gasp. "Oh wow, okay it's war." Harry went underwater and began swimming like the mermaid that he is, quickly reaching Louis and pulling him under.

Harry was only 4 inches taller but he towered over Louis. Louis was dainty, small. His hands were tiny, his feet were tiny, his shoulders caved in, his ears were the smallest things ever, and Harry loved it. Harry was laughing as Louis struggled to push him over. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled him closer, and Harry's breath hitched. They were only an inch apart. He wanted to kiss him so bad but he cock blocked himself, pulling Louis under the water with him.

"Wanna play marco polo?" Harry asked Louis as they stood in the 4 foot zone, splashing each other. "Sure!".

They decided Louis would go first. He shut his eyes and counted as Harry swam to find a spot away from Louis in the large pool. He tried to make minimal sound but Louis heard the tiny splashes. "Marco!" Louis called out, slowly walking out of the 4 foot zone.
"POLO!" Harry yelled out and then quickly swam away from where he was. Louis knew where he was. He swam quickly and he was pretty close to him. Harry gasped and tried swimming away but Louis grabbed him and they both began laughing as Harry struggled to get away.

"Your turn curly." Louis smirked, still holding onto Harry's arm. They were standing in the 5 feet point. Louis looked up at Harry while Harry looked down at him.

As Louis let go of his arm, their fingertips brushed, causing Harry's heart to jump. The glass door slid open causing both of the boys to jolt away from each other and look that way.

"I thought you were sick, but you're just swimming with some whore? I came over to bring you some soup because I knew you weren't feeling well. Lottie said you would love the gesture." Derek snapped. Louis quickly got out of the pool and Harry stood there dumbfounded. He was just called a whore by a complete stranger. As Louis opened his mouth, Harry prayed that he'd defend him, but his heart ached as he didnt.

"Baby, it's not what it looks like. This is my friend Niall's friend Harry. We were just playing marco polo and I caught him. We met yesterday at Liam's" Louis didn't even refer to Harry as his friend, and he lied. They knew each other for two months already. Harry's eyes filled with tears but he didn't let them spill.

"You aren't even wearing swimming shorts Louis! You're practically naked and you're hard oh my god! He turns you on doesnt he!"

"No Derek, hes ugly. he doesn't. he wouldn't."

Derek and Louis continued bickering and every defense Louis had was a shot into Harry's heart. Harry grabbed his pink fluffy towel, wrapped it around himself, and left. He made sure to let the door close lightly, so maybe Louis would never realize Harry was gone, or forget him in total.

Harry entered his house, still kind of wet from the pool. His hair was dripping and now he let his eyes do the same. He slumped to his room and locked the door.

He blasted Louis' playlist from his phone and let himself get even sadder until a name popped up on his phone screen.

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