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By the time I got ready for bed I heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked out my window and saw that everyone finally got home. I didn't see my little sis though. I walked downstairs and said hi to both of them. I guess mom was in a good mood for once... or she was just drunk.

"Hey Y/N did you have a good day with your friends?" She hiccuped. Yep. Drunk.

"It was awesome! How was your night?" I asked. Even though my mom wasn't always nice, I still wanted to feel like I had a normal relationship with her. She's my mom for crying out loud!

"It was nice! We went to that one bar that Judy reccomentded and they had a lot of booze" my mom said still hiccuping. My step dad lead her over to the stairs before turning to me.

"She had a lot so I'm gonna take her upstairs. And tomorrow we'll be picking up your sister from her sleepover around ten before we go mini golfing. You're mom doesn't want you to come and when she's sober she won't be very nice about it if you ask to" he said. I nodded, understanding what he meant. He gave me a look of pity before helping my mom upstairs and to their room. I locked up, turned off the lights, then returned to my own room where I left my phone. Most were notifications from Twitter and Instagram since the girls followed me and have been tagging me in things all day. Which... I guess I didn't realize till now so I decided to check it out.

I saw that Normani tagged me to a pic on Instagram and I saw that it was her taking a selfie, but in the background it had Lauren and I cuddling on the couch. It was when I was whispering to her but Lauren was smiling to herself and it was honestly really cute. Wait- what am I even saying?

The next one I checked was a video when I was in the car with Camila. It was captioned 'Canola! Let the poor girl have a little room 😂' and it was one that Ally posted. I smiled at the caption. This time I read some of the comments and I guess a lot of people thought she was flirting with me? I laughed a little. There's no way she likes me like that.

Dinah posted a picture of when I gave Camila a very brief piggy back ride and her face was nuzzled in my neck. I was smiling wide in the image and we both looked cute together. As friends... yeah...

 I got another notification for being tagged in a photo. It was Camila. The photo was of me sitting with ally and the caption was 'So much love for the sweetheart that saved me from choking on pizza 🍕(ps she's the cutie on the right)" and then another notification popped up from Lauren. 

It was a picture in the kitchen of Lauren and I. One of the other girls must've taken it. It was Lauren and I both smiling and looking at the ground. We were both slightly blushing and not touching but close enough to fit in the photo. The caption was '"I can tell you spend time with your head in the clouds, but I find myself always gravitating towards the day dreamers" ❤️'

I liked the pic and left a comment. 

Y/I/N:What an interesting quote. Where'd you get it from? 😉

Within minutes I was flooded with a million more notifications. Then I even got a text from Lauren.

Lauren:Still home alone? 

Y/N:Nope, my parents came home a little bit ago. Whatcha up to?

Wow. How boring. Just like always.

Lauren:Just up in my room listening to music. I think the girls are watching a movie downstairs, but Camila is still out. 

Lauren:Yep, she's still out. She posted a pic on twitter.

Y/N:cool I guess? Lol you don't have to give me a full report on the squad 😂 I was just asking about how you were doing

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