truth or dare?

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We all head out to my car. Ethan in the driver seat, mackenzie right next to him and me and noah in the back. I use my phone to find a chinese place and put the destination into my gps.

"Well let's go get some food" noah says

The ride was a 20 minute ride and somehow i had fallen asleep on top of noah. It was a long day and i needed some sleep. I woke up sometime during the ride and i heard noah and ethan talking

"I'm gonna stay in here with nicole you and mackenzie go get the food" noah says

I move around on noah's lap and open my eyes to then meet his soft brown ones.

"Hey sleepy head" he says

"Hi" i reply my voice groggy

"How did i end up on your lap?" i ask

"Well you fell asleep on my shoulder and that was really uncomfortable so i took off your seat belt and moved you to my lap" he answers

"Oh, do you mind if i got back to sleep?" i ask

"Not at all" he replies

As i closed my eyes to go back to sleep i feel him playing with my hair and it felt so nice. I groaned and he quickly moved his hand.

"No that felt nice" i reply, he laughs and continues playing with my hair. I soon fall fast asleep.

Noah didn't know i was up so he carried me to our dorm room and honestly being in his arms felt so safe. After we were in the elevator i decided that i should probably tell him that i'm awake.

"You do realize i'm up right" i say

"Yea i know but i like the feeling of having you in my arms" he replies

"I like it too" i say

"Ew you two are weird and gross" mackenzie says.

"Your jealous ethan isn't carrying you" i reply.

"Uh he can't he is holding the food" she answers.

"Even if i wasnt carrying the food i wouldnt carry you. That why God gave you two working legs" Ethan says and i start laughing so hard i can barely breathe

Noah tries to keep in his laugh but fails to do so. Embarrasement was written across mackenzie's face and then she began to laugh too when suddenly she kneed Ethan where the sun dont shine and runs down the hall once the elevator open. My eyes widen in shock and so do noah's. I quickly get off of noah and see if ethan is ok.

"You good?" i ask

"Yeah but she is so gonna pay" he replies giving me the food and chased her down the hallway.

"Well i guess ethan is gonna kill kenzie" noah says.

"Yeah well she did knee him you know" i say not finishing my sentence.

Me and noah walked to the dorm room to find ethan on top of mackenzie.

"Kinky" i say which makes ethan get off of kenzie faster than a cheetah.

"Really nicole" he says

"Its final your gross" kenzie says

"Oh well get used to it" i reply

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" i ask

"Sure" noah says

"Alright" kenzie says

"Got nothing better to do" ethan comments "but first let's eat" he says. We do exactly that and now we start the game.

"Ethan truth or dare?" i ask

"I dont trust you so truth" he says

"How many people have you been with?" i ask

"Too many to count, nah just playing 14 relationships" he answers

"Now nicole truth or dare?" he questions

"Dare" i say, he smirks

"I dare you to make out with noah for 10 minutes" he says, my eyes widen.

"But- uh... ethan" i stutter

"Noah?" i say

"Dont bother me a dares a dare" he says

"Ok ready timer starts now" ethan says

Noah leans in and we start kissing and oh my goodness his lips were so soft it was unbelieveable. I felt like we were the only two people here and i didnt want the kiss to end. The timer rang and noah kept kissing me and i did too. I couldn't help myself, he was such a great kisser but soon after he pulled away and for a moment i was sad until he said

"Jesus you're a great kisser" my cheeks turn redder than ever and he leans in to kiss me again and i don't object. I feel as time flies past and i never wanted his lips to detach from mine. However ethan had a different plan.

"Alright detach"he says pushing us apart.

"Alright mackenzie truth or dare?" noah asks

"Truth" she answers

"Is it true you find ethan hot?" he asks

"Truth be told yes" she replies

"Ew" ethan says.

"I'm so out night guys" he says running to his room.

"Has he ever heard of sarcasm" mackenzie says laughing.

"Well goodnight guys" she says heading to her room.

"You tired?" i ask.

"Tired, no" he answers.

"And i know you're not tired considering you slept on me the whole car ride"

"I did fall asleep on you but i'm really tired" i say

"Alright well i guess we could sleep in your room" noah says

"We?" i ask

"Yep, we" he answers.

"I need to go to the bathroom, you know to brush my teeth" He picks me up and heads for the bathroom.

"Alright my lady do your business before bed i will be waiting" he says closing the bathroom door.

When i'm done doing my business i head to my room to find noah on my bed.

"Are you serious?" i ask

"Yep" he replies

"We can cuddle" he says

"Ok but i really want to go to sleep ok noah" i reply

" alright" he says

"Now i need to change so if you don't mind turn around"

"Ok" he says as he turns the other way looking like a 6 year old who got punished in the corner.

"Alright i'm done" i say as i get in my bed

"You went to the other bathroom to do your business didn't you?" i say smelling his minty fresh breath

"Guilty as charged" he says giving me a peck on the lips. I decide that kissing him one more time was so worth it. So i reach for his lips and give him a real kiss, a nice kiss. Then i pull away and lay on top of him.

"Oh you're such a tease" he says as he wraps his arms around me. I could hear the sound of his heartbeat and soon enough i was fast asleep and so was he.

hope you enjoyed chapter 3!!! noah and nicole ahhh so adorable!!!! niah??? do you ship it??? anyways leave your thoughts down below and ill see you guys in my next chapter toodles!!!!

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