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As soon as Noah gets out of classes he comes over to the car. I motion for him to get in the car.

"Hey, what's wrong babe" he asks as i drive off

"It's Jessica, I don't know where she is and I know it is probably nothing but she isn't returning any of my calls and neither of her roommates saw her last night. so i went to John's house and he told me that she left with a guy named Ian. So he gave me his address and I didn't want to go alone cuz hey anything can happen and I need you babe I don't know what to do" i say, stopping at the red light and putting my head down on the wheel.

"Alright baby how about you pull over and let me drive because you are clearly emotional and we don't need you to crash the car" he says reaching for my hand. I take a deep breath and say


once i pulled over i jumped over to the passengers seat and he walked around the car to the drivers seat. as we are about to continue driving we see Jessica in the dress she had last night. Her hair all messed up and her dress wrinkled. i quickly get out.

"Jessica, are you ok?" i ask looking her up and down

"yea, i just don't feel so well" she says puking on the sidewalk

"alright, Jesse lets get you in the car and we will talk later" i say patting her back as she continues to throw up the liquids of the night before. I head back to the car and open the door and push forward my seat, so she and i can get in the back. once I've done so i quickly run back over to Jessica and guide her back to the car. Once she is in the back seat i dig in the trunk for the puke bag i carry just in case i ever get car sick or someone else does. I give her the bag and join her in the back.

"Baby can you put the seat up please, you'll have to go around the car and put it up" i explain

"alright i got it just take care of Jessica" Noah says getting out the car.

Once we are back in the dorm, Jessica runs into the bathroom and starts puking in the toilet.

"Oh no, what if something happened? we weren't that far from Ian's house and she wouldn't just be wondering 10 minutes away from John's house. plus John said they left together and she was in Ian's arms" I say looking at Noah

"Don't worry the good thing is that she is ok and is in good hands now" he replies, giving me a hug

"i promise if that idiot did something to her i am going to kill him" i say in anger

"alright baby lets just find out what happened" he replies

"ok, let me get some crackers for her so it can settle her stomach" i say, opening one of the cabinets.

About 5 minutes later she comes out of the bathroom paler than ever.

"I think we should get her to the hospital" Noah says "she doesn't look to good" just as he says that she passes out onto the floor.

"Oh my god no call the paramedics. Noah hurry" i scream, frantically rushing to Jessica's side

"yes, my friend just collapsed at st. Williams campus please hurry" Noah says as the line goes dead.

"Jessica, please wake up" I say crying

"we should bring her outside that way it's faster when the paramedics get here" Noah says grabbing her.

"your right" i say as Noah grabs her and heads toward the door, i run down the hall and push the elevator button. Just as Noah makes it to the elevator the door opens with two people making out. me being the emotional state i am in

"excuse me can you please move over as that my friend is currently UNCONSCIOUS" I say raising my voice when i said unconscious.

Once we get outside we head to the front of the campus as we hear the paramedics making there way over here. They placed her on the stretcher and hooked her up to the machine.

"Only one can come with" the paramedic says

"It's ok go ahead i will be right behind you" Noah says

" she's in cardiac arrest" one of the paramedics says as they attempt to start back up her heart. after a while they are able to start up her heart.

"There it is" as he says that someone comes up to me

"hello young lady, my name is officer Erick may i please ask you what happened here?" the officer asks

"well I had found my friend on the sidewalk and she started puking so i thought it was nothing, maybe she ate something bad i had thought so i drove her back to the dorms to get her something to eat and settle her stomach but before i could do anything she had passed out onto the floor" i explain

"alright, well do you know the number of her parents?" he asks

"yes, i ave her mother's number in my phone" i state

"and where is your phone?" the officer questions

"it's right in my back pocket" i say, reaching into my back pocket and grab my phone.

"ok if you would do me a favor call her parents and tell them what is going on" he says and i do exactly that:

"Hey, Miss Smith it's Nicole" i say

"Oh, hi sweetie is everything alright?" she questions

"Umm actually unfortunately there is, uh-" i struggle to get the truth out "Jessica is- well... she is being rushed to the hospital and I wasn't just going to not tell you because well she is your daughter" i finally say

"What? what happened?" she asks in a frantic voice

"that's the problem I don't know I was driving around looking for Jess because I couldn't find her and then I saw her on the sidewalk throwing up and once we got back to the dorms she passed out. I know I should have just rushed her to the hospital but i thought she just had an upset stomach or something that wasn't a big deal. I'm really sorry miss smith" i explain, leaving out the detail of the party last night considering i barely remembered it.

"Nonsense honey you could have never know and don't blame yourself I will book a flight and everything will be alright" she says in a calm voice

"ok, well i will see you soon" i reply

"see you soon" she says as the line goes dead

the rest of the ride felt like forever but the second they reached the hospital everyone was rushed out and went through the hospital doors. Once i got in a nurse told me

"sorry miss but you can't go in there you will have to wait in the waiting room" she says gesturing toward the seats in the next room. about 10 minutes after Noah walks through the doors. He looks at me and endures me in a hug. I don't know what I would do without him. I sob into his shirt.

"It's going to be fine Nicole just relax" he says

"but what if it's not?" i ask stepping away from him still crying

"shhh, relax" he says giving me another comforting hug.

what's wrong with Jessica? Will she make it? Leave a comment down below and if you enjoyed this chapter if your so kindly to vote. Oh i almost forgot today's book mention is.... Room 234's Virgin by AlexisThompsons . Her book is so interesting it's finished and she has a part 2 called 234's Lifelines, however that one is still in progress. Anyways I'll see you in my next chapter toodles!!!! 

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