where is she?

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Nicole's P.O.V 

"Good morning darling" Noah says waking me up

"ugh, my head hurts babe" I complain

"I know you drank a lot last night and I brought you back here" He says

"Mackenzie and Ethan aren't here and I made you breakfast. It will be waiting for you when you get out of the shower" Noah says, giving me a quick kiss.

"Noah do we have any pain killers?" I ask

"Yea, i'll go get them and a glass of water. one second i will be right back" he says, leaving my room.

I look in my closet for an outfit but I honestly just picked the first things I saw and threw them on my bed. Then Noah comes back into my room and hands me two pills and a glass of water.

"thanks" i say, swallowing the pills and washing them down with the water.

 I smelled like alcohol, still in my clothes from last night.  I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower wanting to eat something already. Once I was done taking a shower, I reach for my towel and wrap it around myself and head to my room. I get dressed and go to the kitchen to find that Noah's in the living room watching TV while my food is on the little table. 

"Thanks Noah" I say as i sit down and he puts his arm around me 

"No problem baby" he says, smiling genuinely 

"I'm so glad your with me" I say

"Me too" he says

"Oh no i'm a stupid drunk what did i do?" I ask worried

"Nothing much except you were rambling about wanting to be a bird and when i put you over my shoulder you had said something like 'i am flying voom'. oh and in the elevator you sat in the corner and said you weren't going to move until i gave you a real kiss and i tricked you by saying wanna fly like a bird again? you being the drunk you were fell for it and i carried you to the dorm room and you fell asleep faster than ever" he says concluding the little story.

"Ok, it wasn't as bad as what i once did before" I say

"What do you mean?" he questions

"Oh look at the time i better be going" i say finishing up my breakfast and grabbing my coffee.

"Your classes start in 30 minutes" Noah says, smirking

"spill" he simply says, waiting for me to speak

"not happening" i reply

"come on it can't be that bad" Noah says

"oh it was pretty bad" i state

"Baby, if this relationship is going to work we have to be honest with one another and not keep things from one another and learn more about one another" Noah explains

"Your right but it is something i'm not exactly proud of" i say looking down at the floor

"alright if you don't wanna tell me then ok but-" i cut him off

"fine! Last time i was drunk I was with Jessica and this guy was flirting with me and i kind of went down on him, if you know what i mean" I say feeling my face heat up.

"babe that's not half as bad as what i have done when i was drunk" he says chuckling.

"I was a slut in high school" I explain

"why would you say that sweetheart?" Noah asks curious as to what i have to say now 

"I would sleep around and i didn't care, i started doing it cuz my parents had divorced and i couldn't handle it so sex was my escape" i explain

"Oh, well I think we as teenagers have done stuff we aren't exactly proud of" he says

"name one thing you did wrong" i order

"Ok, when i was 15 i got caught smoking pot in my room and my mom kicked me out, i was going from one friends house to another's each night. Me being the stubborn teen i was i didn't want to go to my mom begging for forgiveness. I thought i was all that and honestly she was just trying to watch out for me" he answers "see we all make mistakes and now you know one more thing about me and i know one more thing about you" he says smiling

"Alright i guess that is fair" i reply

"Now where is my school bag?" I ask more to myself than Noah.

"it's in your room" he said 

"alright thanks" i reply "hold up how do you know its in my room?" i question

"when we had our make out session you left your bag in front of the fridge and i but it on top of the dresser this morning" he answers

"oh ok thanks" i reply 


Classes were finally over and i hadn't talked to Jessica all day and she wasn't at the only class we had together. so i text her "hey missed you today in our only class together!!!" Usually she replies to me pretty fast but maybe she is busy she will text me eventually. however i felt weird so i decided to go to her dorm.

knock! knock!

one of her roommates answers the door.

"your bestie isn't here" he says about to close the door in my face.

"have you seen her at all?" i ask, pushing the door back open

"no she didn't come back last night" he says 

"alright thanks" i say, turning around heading back to my dorm.

Now i was worried, where was she? it isn't like her to just disappear without telling anyone. I call her and it goes straight to voicemail

hey it's Jessica leave a message or don't 

"hey Jess its Nicole where are you i'm a little worried about you, i bet its nothing and your just busy but shoot me a text or something so i know your ok" i say hanging up

Noah couldn't help me because he was still in classes. So i head back to the house the party was held at thinking maybe she fell asleep there. Once i got there John was cleaning up the front of the house. 

"Hey John" I say

"Hey" he says

"did anyone fall asleep here last night?" i ask

"yea plenty but i kicked them all out this morning when i woke up" he says

"i can't find my friend Jessica" i explain

"Jessica? brown hair? blue eyes?" he asked

"yea" i say

"oh yea Ian carried her back to her dorm" he says

"she isn't in her dorm and according to her roommates she never showed up at all today" i state

"i don't know Ian's an old buddy of mine" he says

"does he go to the college?" i question 

"yea but he has an apartment, he doesn't live in the dorms" John explains

"do you know where?" i ask

"yea i'll write you down the address" he says heading inside. and soon coming out with a piece of paper.

"thanks" i say, smiling

"hope you find her and no problem" John replies.

i head into my car and then realize that i shouldn't go to this Ian guys apartment by myself so i decide that i would wait for Noah. So i text him 

"meet me in the front"


Chapter 7 ends in a cliffhanger! I wrote this chapter late so sorry for any mistakes it's 2:22 am in the morning and i need to go to sleep but i really wanted to post again. so where do you think Jessica is? what happened to her? is she with Ian? leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote. Today i wont be mentioning anyone's book however i will next chapter. Anyways see you soon toodles!!!!

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