first day of classes

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Today is the first day of classes and boy wasn't I excited. Last night me and Noah stood up talking about random things and it was really fun. I told him about my sister back home and how I want to be a high school counselor. He told me some pretty interesting things about himself. Turns out he doesn't know what he wants to do yet and he has 3 siblings back in Pennsylvanian. His older brother Lucas and twin sisters Sophie and Katie. his older brother is 22 working to be a professional lawyer. Sophie is 15, wanting to be a social worker. While Katie didn't want to do anything in life and just wanted to have things handed to her. Then there was his mom and dad who loved each other so much it made me jealous my parents marriage didn't work out. We talked all night and it was really fun getting to know one another.

"Morning, sunshine" Noah says

"Morning" I reply, cheerfully

"Someone's happy about her first day" Noah says laughing getting out of bed.

"Can you stay with me just a little bit longer? I don't wanna get up" I beg

"I so would but then i wouldn't be able to cook you breakfast, so go take a shower" he says heading for the door.

"Alright only because your cooking and I don't know how to" I say giggling

Once I was done with my shower it was time to pick out an outfit. I wanted something that was comfortable but didn't make me seem lazy. Which I am but personally no one needed to know that. I search through my closet for my favorite violet blouse and matched it with my dark blue jeans along with my comfortable flats that were navy. Then I decided to give my hair beachy waves since it's still spring. Then I got the hold of my cute book bag that i bought with Jessica Senior year. I grabbed my sunglasses, looked in the mirror and was more than satisfied with my look. Once i come out of my room I find that Noah had made breakfast. Bacon and scrambled eggs with coffee freshly made in the coffee maker we bought yesterday.

"Wow Nicole you look wonderful" Noah says pouring me a cup of coffee

"What do you put in your coffee?" he asks

"Cream and thanks" I reply, taking my cup of coffee

"Your welcome" he says just as Mackenzie and Ethan walk out of Ethan's room.

"I- uh... we- didn't know you guys were already up" Mackenzie says

"Well we are and I am not even going to ask" I say taking another sip of my coffee

"Good" they both say at the same time. They both head to their bathroom and I look at Noah

"What was all that about?" I question.

"I don't know but I sure as hell am gonna find out" Noah says laughing

"Oh and hear is your breakfast Bacon and eggs" he says handing me a plate

"Aren't you quiet the gentleman" I say heading to the sofa to go eat considering there was no other table then in the little living room.

"Anyways classes start in 30 minutes and I promised Jessica I would meet up with her so I will see you later" I say to Noah as I head to Jessica's dorm room.

Once I got to Jessica's dorm I knocked on the door to be greeted by an unpleasant smell and an even more unpleasant person.

"What do you want?" he said

"I'm here to meet Jessica" I say, keeping my cool

"Oh, yea cool" he says going who knows where.

"Hey Nicole" Jessica says. She was wearing the same blouse i had but in the military green she had chosen when we were shopping I don't know which time.

"Hey, ugh how can you stand that stench" I say walking away from the door

"Well I did grow up with 3 older brothers so I guess you can say I am used to the stench" she says

"That is just gross I would not survive in that dorm for 5 minutes let alone a whole semester" I comment

"Well we both better get to class see you later then" she says

"Ok but don't forget that me you and Noah are going out tonight" I say

"Yea, yea alright" she says heading off into the crowd this should be very interesting!

Just like that classes were over and I was ready to head back to my dorm again turns out that Noah's classes end at 5 and mine end at 4 but mine start earlier than his. Considering that me and Jessica want to do the same thing we have similar schedules. I head back to the dorm to wait until Noah's classes are over. When I get into the dorm i hear Mackenzie laughing I thought 'oh maybe she is on the phone with someone'. so I head to my room and lay down on my bed to then realize that i needed a tv in here. So when I went to go get my keys I see Ethan in the kitchen naked!!!!!!

"OMG, ETHAN" I scream looking away

"Nicole! why are you here?" he asks

"it is my dorm too you know" I explain

"oh yea I thought I was home alone" he says

"Mackenzie's classes ended before yours so you knew she was home" I say

"Fine me and Mackenzie are hitting it off" he says heading back to her room

"eww" i say leaving the dorm to bump into a guy in the hall

"ahh" i say as i fall to the ground

"oh, i'm so sorry" he says quickly offering his hand to help me get up. i gladly take it

"it's ok and thanks" i say

"No problem considering i am the one who knocked you down in the first place" he explains

"True" I state

"i'm John" he says, smiling

"Nicole" i reply

"well i better be going see you around Nicole" he says as he strolls down the hallway

"see ya" i scream back

I look at my phone 4:36! I was not going to have any time to go to walmart buy a TV and make it back here just in time. It was a 15 minute drive which all together would add up to 30 minutes of travel time and then about 20 minutes of paying and picking out which type of TV. Which all together adds up to 50 minutes. So I guess i would have to buy my TV another time. So I decide to wait for Noah and Jessica where we were meeting up by the bench near the main entrance. I sit on the bench and wait for these two.

Turns out that Noah had made it here before Jessica so we had a little talk.

"hey where's Jessica?" Noah asks sitting right next to me.

"Not here yet" I say

"alright lets go back to the dorm and wait for her there cuz it's real busy" Noah says

"ok?" i say, it sounding more like a question

"if you don't want to we don't have to" he simply says

"nah it's fine, I'll text her to meet us at the dorm" I say taking out my phone and heading to building D.

"hey you good?" i question as we walk to the elevator.

"yea just a little out of it today" he simply says

"alright" i say

once we get in the elevator he says

"well there is this party, starts at 9 wanna come?" he asks

"oh uh sure so you wanna ditch today's plans?" i reply, he doesn't say anything

"cuz it's fine if you do" i say filling the silence

"ok it's just Jessica well... she... uh- well she is scary, there i said it" he explains

"why are you scared of Jessica?" I question

why is Noah scared of Jessica??? Anyways thanks so much for reading chapter 4 of Is It Love? Leave a comment and if you enjoyed vote.  Well i'll see you in my next chapter toodles!!!

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