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"When you say you love me, I'll said I love you more. But when you said you love her, I'll still say I love you"

"Ha Ri? Ha Ri-ah please open up" I heard someone outside my room

I opened the door, I saw a topless Jimin so hot

"so.. what brings you here?" I said in a flirty way

"I was just wondering if maybe we can stay here for a little while" he said and suddenly Anjie face popped out waving at me

I moved back a little bit and half close the door

"You have your own room right?" I asked


"The room keepers are not done at cleaning our room yet" Anjie explained

"I mean room keepers only take like 10-20 mins you know" I replied

But Jimin gave me puppy eyes that I.. just.. can't.. resist. So I opened that door wide letting them in

"Yes.. thank you so much, love you" Jimin said and give a me finger heart. 

I felt my cheeks blushing. It was a common thing when I'm with Jimin

I know it was just an expression but why does it affect me so much?

"I mean, he actually have the rights because his parents paid the whole thing" Anjie murmured while entering my room

That bitch, like how did Jimin even liked her? I'm confused. But still gotta act cool

" Of course, you can have the whole thing if you want" I said sarcastically but the bitch took it seriously

"Thank you so much gurl, Now.." She came closer to me  "just a reminder, don't be too surprised if you see a used condom lying around you room later when you come back" she whispered and join Jimin at the sofa

"Well you know have fun!" I said and grabbed my phone, no one even bothered to say goodbye

I slammed the door harshly and make sure that it sounded

I went downstairs as I cried my ass off, (yup I took the stairs cuz that's how dramatic I am) everytime I see them being sweet in front of me, I acted cool, like it was nothing to me, but deep inside, its hurts like hell.

Maybe Jimin thought that I've moved on because a year ago there was some rumours of me dating a guy, I didn't know who made that up but the truth is my feelings for Jimin never faded

Now that we're 'married' I'm still expecting something to be like the usual newlyweds, you know, being sweet and stuff...that I know will never happen.

But I keep fooling myself that he would like me back, I keep saying to myself that...

"its okay Ha Ri, time will work it out, just put your best effort"

Well, I did that already but it didn't work out

You cannot blame Jimin for not liking me, I mean, I'm so pale that I looked like a corpse, My fingers are full of calluses because of guitar, I looked like a walking skeleton because I'm skinny af, my hair is always flat and my body is really comparable into a wall.

As I reach the last step of the staircase, I quickly go to the beachside.

I saw an empty table nearby so I left my robe in there, my phone and slippers.

The feelings of the sea is really addicting, the cool breeze, the warm seawater, the relaxing sand... everything feels so relaxing and calming. Not like when I'm with Jimin, everything is so not-relaxing, everything is stressful, everything is..












A/N: what do you guys think? Hope you like

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