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"if you truly love a person, you must learn how to let go"


Today was a D-Day. I'm again, entering Jimin shit's company. It's weird because he's Tae's friend but I haven't seen him before.

Well, given that he lived in Korea of course.

I entered the building this time with Taehyung so that tiny shit won't cancel an appointment again.

So we reached the 16th floor and the secretary welcomed us "this way please" then she guided us inside Jimin's office.

As soon as we entered, I saw a guy sitting on a chair that's turned back at us. huh, typical CEO scenes in books.

"Jimin-sshi!!!" Taehyung shouted. Hey look at my baby saying Jimin-shit!!!

Then he turned his chair this time and he greeted us-- well, just Taehyung "Oh, Taehyung-ah!!"

The blonde haired guy quickly stood up from his chair and walked towards my boyfriend and hugged him. I'm not jealous okay. Well, I find it pretty cute though.

All I can say is WOW because their not even bro-hugging (if ya'll know what i mean) they're hugging like what me and Taehyung does, they're like couples that haven't seen each other for like a century. While I just stand behind them like I'm a third wheeler.

But it's fine, Taehyung told me a lil bit about this Jimin guy, he said he's not bad and they're best friends.

The 'couple' finally let go of each other. "Yah Jimin! I heard that you cancelled your meeting with Liah just because your sleepy! You shitass! Hahaha" Then, Tae kicked him lightly on the leg. What's so funny about that huh?

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry about that. I have a flu when coming here and I had a really bad jet lag. I'm really sorry Taehyung, Liah" Jimin apologized. He looked sincere, he even bowed while saying sorry, so I guess he isn't that bad after all. I understand him.

Cuz jetlags are the worst

Okay, off to work now.

I took off my black sunglasses to formally introduce myself "Hi! I'm Liah Kim, always at your service. Nice to meet you Mr. Park" I offered my hands and smile.

While the blonde-haired guy's expression suddenly changed. his smile turned into a sorta-shocked-face.

His body froze and his tini-tiny eyes turned into balls

"Jimin, is there something wrong? You looked surprised" Tae tapped at Jimin's shoulder and looked at me. What's the problem with this guy?

"Uh, hey nice to meet you.. sir..*awkard laugh*" ugh this is JUST SO AWKWARD. Like, why would he stare at me with those tiny big eyes? Am I a ghost or something?

"No, no, I'm so sorry Liah, you just remind me of my wife haha.." he smiled. oh, okay.. it thought it was uhmm, something else...

"Oh, you're already married? Great, So where's your wife then?" I asked. Wow, I didn't think this man's already married. Gosh, he looked young.

"Oh yeah! Your wife! Where's your wife? I still haven't meet her yet" Tae lightly punched Jimin's chest. I'm confused. They're friends right? Why is that Taehyung haven't already met his wife? I mean, my Taetae's supposed to me the Best Man in his wedding right?

"She's overseas, in Korea" he said, still looking at me. He looked serious.

"Yah Jimin! Why'd you left your wife in Korea! You really don't want me to meet her huh?" Tae said. Pouting, so cute

"Because you'd steal her from me!" he laughed. Wait, what? Taehyung.. no, he's not like that okay? Besides, he had me.

"Aish, you little-- can't you see I have Liah here?" Taehyung laughed and sneaky wrapping his arm around the sides to my waist making me close to him.

"yeah, you surely do" he whispered.

"Taehyung-ah! Here's the thing, uh..I really feel bad today. Can I discuss the matter tomorrow? Or I'll just email it to you? I just feel a little dizzy, ugh, I know I shoud've rest for atleast a week. But for the moment can you please leave?" Jimin headed to the door and open it for us to leave


"Tae, y-your friend feels weird haha" I said while I turn the engine on. I'm driving this time.

"Yeah, he's never like that, he's always suave and all. He must be really sick haha"Tae said, buckling his seat.

Yeah, he must be really sick. But the look from his eyes a while ago, It's different, he's shocked but he's not just shocked, he looked scared and needy, like he knew me. But why? I don't even know him and It's just our first meeting.

"Liah, is there something bothering you? You're quite quiet"

"Nothing, I just thought, how come that you haven't met Jimin's wife? Aren't you supposed to be the best man in their wedding?" I asked. I don't know why but I'm really curious.

"Jimin was married when we were 22, and I, that time was here in America because I was busy with my business. Their wedding was rather simple, he told me that their wedding consists of the bride's parent's, his parents and their business partners and shareholders" Taehyung narrated. wow, in such a young age, this Jimin was married.

"The wedding is so simple but the business partners had to be there?"I asked. I don't know why but I'm intrigued in with his life.

"It's because, he didn't love his wife but someone else" Tae sighed.

"what do you mean? I'm confused"

"Jimin was forced to marry this girl that's he's been friends with since middle school because uncle got sick and Jimin, as their heir needs to take care of the business and their business partners won't trust a bachelor so Jimin had to get married to the girl that he doesn't love"

"you said Jimin loves someone right? then why wouldn't he marry that girl?" yeah, like for pete's sake just marry the ones that you love.

"because Jimin's parents didn't like Anjie, and for that, I don't know why"

"You said, his wife is his friend right? Why don't you know each other then"

"Me and Jimin, were both from Busan, We lived a simple life there, not until we reached middle school, my parents got divorced so I stayed with with my mom and we have to move to Daegu, my mom's hometown. As for Jimin, in that time, uncle's business is growing fast so they had to move to Seoul. Sometimes, Jimin visits me in  Daegu, at least three times every year but he never really brought this friend and in highschool, he started bringing Anjie, his girl to my house when he visits" How awful, Jimin must felt really sad that he mariied in the person he doesn't love. I think if I were him, I'd run away from my family and stayed with my girlfriend. I wonder what he feels today.

"but he can divorce the girl right?"


Eyy!! A little storytime ryt there, I think the relationships of the characters are lil jumbled so I thought I'll make TaeTae tell you the whole shabang. Double update coz I'm feeling extra and sorry today:))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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