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I'm at the front of the building where the modelling agency is, and it's really big, the building is really huge.

I'm with Jackson btw

I took a deep breath and enter the building, I hope I look presentable enough to face them

"hey don't be nervous" Jack said and hold my hand. He's really sweet, I know.

We talked to the receptionist and ask her if she knew the person that I'm talking about and she says it was one of the co-founders of the agency, but that receptionist keeps on flirting with my boyfriend. That receptionist is touching my Tae and Tae doesn't even do anything about it

And now I'm mad at him.. 

"Hey babe, can we talk?" Jack said as he's following me, I ignored him

"Babe if you will not talk to me I'll shout here" So now he's threatening me? 

Because I'm so stubborn I just  I walked away with out saying a word.

Pshhh...he's never going to do it because it's too embarrassing.

I kept walking to the elevator until "Kim Hari! Please forgive me!!"

What. The. Hell. Tae. Actually. Did. That?

I runned to Tae and quickly covered his mouth, gosh, he's so embarrassing...

"Hey, you why did you scream? Ughh" I said while my hand is still covered in his mouth

Now I can see people looking at us.. ughh

He slowly removed my hand in his mouth  "psh, I know you like it" he smirked

"Of course not you ass hole" I rolled my eyes

But deep inside, I actually kinda like it..this cute lil guy, I'm wondering how long will our relationship lasts.

A/N:  Sorry for the loooong wait you guys, school startded in August so I can't update my wattpad bcoz there's a lot of school works to do.

Caught in a lie · pjmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ