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"No one is sent by accident to anyone"


"What you doing with my girlfriend?" A Korean looking guy spoke.

Maybe he's trying to help me, so I gotta act like his girlfriend

"Babe.." I said and the man's grip at my waist suddenly  loosens and I run to the guy and kind of hug him

"Get out in 3 seconds or I will report you" the Korean looking guy said


"Sir, I'm so sorry, please don't report me"


By the time said two, the American man completely vanished

I sighed

"I'm a great actor right?" the Korean looking guy said and wiggled his eyebrows

"Thank you sir, I'm Ha Ri by the way" I said

"I knew it, you're Korean, Im Taehyung" he said and smiled. I swear he has the weirdest but the most hypnotising smile ever

"But Taehyung, may I ask, how did you scare that guy from earlier just by telling him that you'll report him? I mean, he could've fought back because he's a customer here as well" I asked in confusion

"Can't you tell that he's not at customer here?" He said and I just cling my head

"Look, first, he doesn't have anything, he doesn't have a phone or a wallet. Second, just by looking in his hands, I can tell that he's not a socialite. Third, he's wearing a cheap-looking old slippers that expose his dirty feet.." just by explaining these things to me make him look so clever and more attractive "..and fourth is his teeth" 

"And by the way.. nice acting skill right there.."

I was dumbfounded until I realized that it's already 11 pm

"Sorry Taehyung but, I gotta go bye" then I rushed into the elevator  but before I totally left him I heard him say


which makes my heart flutter a little bit

the elevator reached the 5th floor and I quickly ran out the elevator  and go to my room because I was soo tired

"Oh shit, I totally forgot my keys inside" I cursed under my breath

Great, how can I enter my room now? But maybe it's worth a try right?

I slowly twist the doorknob while wishing that the doorknob would open

......and it did open

I happily entered the room but my mood quickly changed because of what I saw 

That I wasn't supposed to see








I saw.. Jimin and Anjie laying at my bed while the blankets covered their bodies, the only thing I can seee now is that Jimin is topless and Anjie had an exposed shoulder 

and I remembered somehting.......

"just a reminder, don't be too surprised if you see a used condom lying around you room later when you come back"

Caught in a lie · pjmWhere stories live. Discover now